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t/w - some swearing (?)

A loud boom startles Bennett awake as he can feel the vibrations beneath him. A very, very angry voice is heard not short after.

"BENNETT?!" Bennett rolled over and looked up towards where the voice was emitting from. Fischl, one of his best friends was running towards him. She quickly pulls up, with Oz right besides her.

"WHERE.. THE HELL.. HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Fischl shouted, pausing in between words to take breaths. Bennett was speechless because he knew that wasn't how Fischl acted, and she had broken character which rarely ever happens.

"Well I decided to camp out here last night- I'm sorry Fischl, I should've told you-" he paused.
In all honesty, Bennett had a blank expression and just stared Fischl down despite being in complete shock. He didn't know she would be so angry-

Fischl just stared back at Bennett before she became irritated and yelled "WHAT'S WITH THE FACE?!"

She was not normally this loud.

"Mein Fräulein, perhaps you should refrain from the harsh and unsophisticated language. It could be startling young Bennett," said Oz.

Oz was Fischl's close companion, her night raven. He always stuck by her side, good or bad.
Fischl flushed at his words and tried to compose herself.

"A-Ahem. I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, was simply just unable to be at inner peace by dear Bennett's disappearance," the blonde girl hand gestured gracefully.

"Oz and I have journeyed across the globe humbly to search for you, Bennett. That is how much of importance you are to the great Prinzessin der Verurteilung,"

Bennett's gaze was fixed on Fischl, one of his only friends. He just burst into laughter, making her flinch and burn up.

"I-I cannot capture what is so humorous to make you laugh as such," she stumbled on her words as humiliation fell upon herself.

"Ahaha, oh- Nothing, Fischl." It amazes Bennett at how fast she could switch character. His giggle fit continued when Fischl decided to go sit by him.

She smiled and looked at her friend, but her grin was not of a joyful one, it was of worry. Bennett noticed this and ended his laughter.

"So.. what was the real reasoning to you not coming back last night? I know you wouldn't forget something like that. You constantly think about other people before yourself, you always remember what you say and promise," Fischl said, completely losing her fantasy like personality.

 It was like she was double sided and could flip whenever she wanted to. Shit.. she knows what's up.. Bennett thought to himself, biting aggressively on his lower lip.

They both just sat in silence looking over the very cliff Bennett had just been with Razor at the other day. He had completely passed out crying after Razor left him alone, which is why he didn't go back to Mondstat that night.

As Bennett continued to refuse an answer to Fischl, she brought up another thing.

"I know you were out with Razor last night too.. Did um.. Did anything happen between you guys? Unless something happened or you were lying about being with him, I know for sure he would be here with you still. Or at least you'd be with him- whatever," Fischl talked fast and with a quiver under her breath. She obviously knew something was wrong.

"Anyways- the point I am trying to get to is- What. Happened. What happened between you two?"

Bennett was still silent and he just shrugged it off, which made Fischl irritated.

"Look, Bennett. You and Razor are my friends- I'm worried about you guys. You and Razor are basically inseparable," Fischl inquired, pointing out the basic facts and Bennett knew this was true.

He had to face the reality and talk about it, it was only the right thing to do. Who knows, maybe getting it out of his system will help.

"Well, Razor and I did meet up yesterday. We were just hanging out near Cider Lake in Eastern Wolvendom, you know, down by the shore?" Bennett asked, and Fischl just nodded, letting him continue.

"We were having a great time obviously, Razor is one of my closest friends," he added on.

"Then I made a Chicken Mushroom Skewer for us- or well I tried- but anyways that's not the point. Uhm, so Razor took me to.. here, where we are now- This beautiful cliff. It's beautiful right?" He chuckled, holding his hand on his neck.

"Don't go off topic, Bennett," Fischl raised her eyebrows towards her friend.

He inhaled deeply and just spewed out everything, pouring his heart out from his mouth.

"So we we're watching the beautiful sunset and then we held hands and then I was getting scared-because Razor is my best friend-and I love him so much- and I just want to be with him forever- so then I pulled away because I didn't want him to notice because I know things would go horribly wrong," Bennett took another big breath of oxygen and Fischl just listened attentively, but she was clearly in shock.

"..and so then he asked me why I pulled away and I was like- 'nO- No ReAsOn-' and I was just being so stupid and dumb, I really should've answered honestly because Razor took it the wrong way and- and-"


and he fucking left with a chunk of my heart. I made him sad. Fuck, FUCK FUCK FUCK! Bennett thought to himself, but he just said "..and he left. So I fell asleep here,"
He said, closing his eyes and sighing.

When he opened his eyes, he could feel Fischl staring at him. When he finally looked back, Fischl started to talk her mind.

"Wait, let's rewind. You said- you said you loved him and wanted to be with him forever?" Fischl asked, her eyes brightening.

"Shit- Fuck- No! I mean yes- I mean no- fuck- ..did I really say that?" Bennett stuttered and his face began to flush.

Fischl just burst into a rage of giggles..

Hii everyone!! It's nice to see you guys again :) I'm happy you're reading this right now, even if it's only a couple of people, I like to think about the people who enjoy my writing ✍️😊. No, this is not a BenneFischl fan fiction, but if anyone would like me to write one I could try. I just think the friendship dynamic Bennett and Fischl have is very adorable and I love the relationship they would have with each other. Sorry, don't know why I'm talking about this exactly. I just wanted to make it clear that this is Rannett only, and anything between Fischl and Bennett will be platonic. If you have a problem with that, you don't have to stay. But if anyone wants a Bennett + Fischl book, just comment about it! I'm also going to try and write some other fanfics if I have any time, so I'm open to suggestions. They also don't have to be love related of course, anything like head cannons you have about Fatui members, or maybe character angst. Just ask me! 😊 again, thanks for reading this. Have a good day my loves!

1184 words

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