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hey everyone!!!!

I know I already posted an announcement about this book ending, but I felt the need to put these here, just to add the finishing touch to Pure Luck. Thank you all so much for all of the votes, reads, comments, and the support!

I hope my writing has been entertaining for you guys, and I hope I lifted some people's moods.

I really enjoyed writing this book, it was awesome to read through everyone's comments in the mornings and late at night. I definitely got a lot of writing practice in, and I am grateful for having the actual motivation to write this.

This book was left on an open note with Fischl, so I've decided to make another book (a sequel, perhaps???) that follows Fischl instead. I'm thinking I might go with MonaFischl, but still not sure.

The book that will be focusing on Fischl is titled "Fake It 'Til You Make It", and it'll be released shortly.

Again, thank you so much, and welcome to the finale of this book! :)



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