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t/w - swearing again
a/n - please read the note at the end of this chapter, thx! ^0^
also this chapter is dedicated to tiaraslay

Bennett was red at the ears, as he pursed his lips tightly and held his hands up to his face.
"Why are you laughing at me?" Bennett whined, steam fusing from his head. He felt so hot, it was like he was going to explode. 

Fischl kept laughing. She couldn't help herself. Finally after a minute or so, she composed herself and her giggling started to slow down and fade. 

"Ahahaha, oh Bennett," Fischl snorted, completely going rogue of her role as Prinzessin der Verurteilung. She covered her mouth with her delicate hands and snickered. "I'm just glad you finally told me after this long," The blonde girl smirked sinisterly.

Bennett almost immediately looked up, his eyes wide with shock.

"What.. What do you mean 'finally told you'..?" His mouth twitched and he fiddled with his hands. This just resulted in Fischl chortling and snickering again. 

"I just mean- It's so obvious. I've been dying waiting for you to tell me about it, and you finally have," Fischl said carefully, still having a smug expression hung over her face.

"WHADDYA MEAN IT WAS SO OBVIOUS?!" Bennett panicked, throwing his arms in the air and he went pale.

"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Fischl burst out again.

Bennett crossed his arms in retaliation and huffed, irritated. I'm so gonna beat her fucking ass, he thought to himself as he squeezed his arms together.

Fischl was laughing so hard that tears were beginning to form at the corner of her eye. She wiped them away with her index finger, ever so elegantly, swiftly moving her fingers. Now, she just smiled. 

"I really am happy you told me though, Bennett. I was getting worried about you. It's not very healthy to bottle up your feelings like that," Fischl pointed out, as she calmed down and nudged Bennett.

However, he seemed to be moody because he gave her an attitude. He scoffed and replied with "Says you," in a annoyed but seemingly sad tone.

This stabbed Fischl in the heart. Yes, she had problems too, but they were no where near as important to hear as her friends. They were just plain silly. 

a/n - secret fischl angst as a side story?? ;) what u guys think?

Fischl bit the inside of her cheek. 

"That's different," Fischl stated.

"A-buh-buh-buh," She cut Bennett off, making it clear to walk away from that topic and continue back to the whole reason why she was there in the first place.

"So we've figured out the problem and cause, but what are you going to do to solve this, Bennett?" Fischl asked softly.

Bennett was quivering as he just kept looking down at the ground. He was going to cry. Again. Like the lame fucking kid he was. That's right. He's just a kid. An unlucky misfortunate  child. No wonder he was so stupid. 

He could feel the hot, steamy tears rolling down his cheeks again, just like the night before, only about 12 hours ago.

Fischl grabbed Bennett's arm gently, but her voice was firm.
"Hey," She said, but despite her voice being firm there was definitely a lot of compassion, worry, and truth in it as well.

"Look at me, Bennett." Fischl waited for Bennett to look up at her, which he did. He hated to do it because he was crying. He looked absolutely pathetic at the moment, and he knew it.

He himself was embarrassed, but he knew that Fischl wouldn't judge him for it because she was his true friend. Once Bennett had looked up and locked eye contact with Fischl, she took a deep breath.

"Look, Bennett," She started. 

"I promise, everything is going to be okay. Everything in this universe happens for a reason, am I right? There are some things that are good, and some things that are bad. But they all have their purposes. I know it may seem a little hopeless now, but trust me. Razor would never do that to you. You just have to think about him and his past, he's been through a lot, just like you and I. We all have our ups and downs. It's just up to you and him how this story ends, so just stay calm, okay? I'm betting on it Razor will understand. He always does, which is why we're all such good friends," Fischl finally finished, with a small smile on her face. 

Bennett looked stunned for a second as he took in Fischl's every word. Everything is going to be okay. Razor will understand. Bennett's mouth grew into a smile as he concentrated back onto reality and looked into Fischl's eyes. 

In the end, Fischl's wise words of wisdom just ended up in more tears, but it made Bennett see the problem a different way now.

"Thank you, Fischl," Bennett smiled tearfully, reaching over to hug her. She reciprocated easily and they both embraced each other in their arms. "I'm so grateful to have friends like you and Razor," Bennett laughed slightly. "I don't think I could've made it this far without you guys. So thank you, Fischl," He finished, closing his eyes as they held each other. 

This made Fischl's heart warm up and she was happy that she could cheer up her friend and give him hope once in a while, despite her foolish actions and roleplay. 

Once they both let go of the hug, Fischl spoke up. 
"Now that that part is over, go get 'em tiger!" Fischl exclaimed happily, pointing to the horizon dramatically. 

. . .

"Uhm, Fischl.. I don't know where he is," Bennett said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Fischl looked dumbfounded and they both just laughed it off.

"It's okay, I'll help you look for him. Do you have any idea where he's gone to?"

"Mein Fraulein, may I perhaps suggest you return to your preferred state?" Oz suddenly interrupted, despite being there the whole time throughout that hardship.

"Oh, right. Ahem," Fischl started. She knew this sudden change would cheer Bennett up. However, it made Fischl feel at home at the same time. "I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung will help you, Bennett, in search of Razor. Have thou any idea where Razor would be this destined time of day?" She asked, doing her infamous little hand pose along her face with her sassy purple outfit. 

Fischl appeared to be right because Bennett began to giggle. This made Fishl smile. Again. 
Bennett began to respond to her question.

"Hmm, well usually he's just always in Wolvendom, if not, maybe with Klee by Cider Lake somewhere or Librarian Lisa," Bennett said, thinking very hard about the question. This amazed Fischl as she thought about how much Bennett knew about Razor.

"It seems as if you and Razor have been intertwined by fate and destiny itself. You have already perceived and gathered so much knowledge on the boy, you must be utterly obsessed," Fischl teased, keeping character. 

. . .
"Wh- Hey, FISCHL!" 


Yayyy! two chapters in a row, same month! Yeah haha, I know that sounds really stupid to celebrate, but with my procrastination skills, I'm really proud of myself. Thanks for reading this chapter!! Finishing up at 1:03 AM ehe~. So, the note I wanted everyone to see is...

...from now on most chapters will have swearing and probably other touchy subjects, such as parent/family trauma, stuff like that. I will still be putting the trigger warnings at the beginnings of the chapters but I just want all of you to know it's probably just going to become a regular.

Even if there is only a little bit of that content included in each of the chapters, I want all of my readers, all of you to feel safe and sound. So if any of that stuff bothers you, just click off, okay? I don't want you guys to be stressed.

While we're on the topic of mature content, there could maybe **key word maybe** be gore and violence, I'm not entirely sure yet though because I haven't decided. However for the most part there shouldn't be any NSFW or smut because as far as I'm concerned, Bennett and Razor are both minors- Correct me if I am wrong.

But even if they were age of consent, I still personally feel that their relationship is built on fluff and stuff, so this book will just be fluffy. 

okay, okay, sorry for the long ass message, i'm done now~
have a good day lovelies!!



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