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— Chapter One

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

'Cross the room your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

Enchanted by Taylor Swift

Enchanted by Taylor Swift

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There he lie in a silky bed,

Waiting for someone….

Unknowing who he was waiting but that does not suspect him at all

He waited….

“ My dear, have you waited long?” A gentle voice called out to him.

That voice always made him warm inside…

Loved in a specific way…

“ No, my love. Time does not matter to me, I would wait eternity..

She giggled, “ I don't think I can suffer you any longer, my love”. The voice came nearer, suddenly he felt the bed dip beside him. Now he feels a presence beside him, placing her hand on his face…

“ The time will come, where we will be together, Aleks”

“ And when that time comes, I will be yours forever.” With that she kisses him gently. Tugging his neck pulling him closer.

He cannot help it, it feels so perfect. Her in his arm, with that he cage her in his arm. Pulling her down and making him on top of her, his lips descended on hers, tasting her cherry red lip.
Her fingers started to wander, clutching his skin that was covered in clothes that he wished he had taken off. He wanted this moment to last.

He knows this is a dream, a dream that he didn't want to wake up to.

A moment has passed, the two lovers finally separated from each other, taking a breath that they needed.

“ When will we meet?”

“Soon Aleks”

“  The least you can do is ask me a clue” she said giggling as she caress his jaw.

“ What’s your name?'' he started. '' By your name I can find you and we'll be together, no more separation."

Before she could respond, her body began to disappear. Her touch was no longer warming him, his finger no longer felt her skin.


“General” A voice called out to him. Waking him up from his beautiful dream.

He groaned, glaring at the person who has interrupted him from finding out his beloved name.

“ Yes, Ivan?!” he said, irritated.

Ivan knew that he had somehow pissed the general, he didn't need to listen to his beating heart, just seeing his red face and glare he knew he messed up. The reason is unknown.

“ The carriage for First army trip are ready, we shall depart as soon as you command”

The General sighs, of course. Today is the day of the Skiff going to the fold, another trial….

Hopefully a success,

Or any result…

In the meantime, he started to close his eyes again, hoping to see her again.

The Stolen Heart •Aleksander Morozova•Where stories live. Discover now