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– Chapter 2

Now I'm standing alone In a crowded room

And we're not speaking and I'm dying to know

Is it killing you like it's killing me yeah

I don't know what to say since the twist of fate

When it all broke down and the story of us

Looks a lot like a tragedy now next chapter

The story of us By Taylor swift

The story of us By Taylor swift

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Milene Oretsev was known as an angel

Not because of how kind and adoring the look she has in her features as she tells bedtime stories to the children….

Or when she tends to help  people in need….

She grew up not in a loving environment, but that does not stop her to be such a sweet lady she is now..

Perhaps her appearance and her soft loving features that draw people in, no one could hold a grudge for her….


__ The Medical tent __

“ Make sure you rest for a while, take a day off. I could ask Mal to tell the sick to you”. Said Milene as she tended the wounded tracker.

“ This is too much favor,  I do not want to burden your brother too much, it will ruin his reputation.” Mikhael, the wounded tracker replied. He was laying on the bed, his hand was impaired. He was appointed on a mission to retrieve an old ancient map near Fjedra but was ambushed by the druskelle that thought they were grisha.

“Don't be silly, you deserve a day off”

“ Well, i think i do” Mikhael groaned, laughing not too loud to bother other patients in the room.

“ I heard your brother got back”, a medical fellow announced. “ You can leave him with me.”

“ Oh thank you Melissa, you're a savior, hope I don't burden you” Milene exclaimed, “ I'll see you guys later.” And with that she ran out of the tent

____ Searching for Mal _____

STANDING ON THE EDGE of a crowded road, she looked down onto the rolling fields and abandoned farms of the Tula Valley and got her first glimpse of the Shadow Fold. She shivered in her coat as she eyed the haze that lay like a dirty smudge on the horizon.

As she walked, she took in the green and gold smells of the autumn wood, the soft breeze at her back. They were on the Vy, the wide road that had once led all the way from Os Alta to the wealthy port cities on Ravka’s western coast. But that was before the Shadow Fold.

The Stolen Heart •Aleksander Morozova•Where stories live. Discover now