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— Chapter 10

You'll see me in hindsight

Tangled up with you all night

Burning it down

Someday when you leave me

I bet these memories

Follow you around

– Wildest dream by Taylor Swift

“ The General would like Miss Oretsev to join him on horse-riding” Genya announced

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“ The General would like Miss Oretsev to join him on ho
rse-riding” Genya announced. Milene could feel the heat from her face…

“ Uhhhhhh, you’re red as Genya’s hair” Alina teased

Both Alina and Genya have been teasing the girl since the reveal of her mark, saying how now Genya notices the stare of The Black General as he searches for her in any room he steps into. On how he asks Alina every possible thing that she likes, Alina somehow slips on how much Milene wants to horse-ride.

This cost the blushing girl to hide herself with a blanket.

“ Come on Mil we don’t have all day. We have to make you look ravishing so that the General can’t take his eyes off you”.

Within seconds or more like minutes, the girl was dressed and ready. Milene simply can’t wait to be riding a horse for the first time.

Both Genya and Alina escort her out onto the courtyard.There stood the Black General wearing his usual black attire waiting with his black horse next to him…

Alina bids her goodbye as she has to meet up with Baghra for today's session. Genya also left with Alina, leaving her with him alone…

“ I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but the only available horse is mine since the other horses were all used for the day. I hope you don’t mind riding together with me.” he said offering his hand

Her nerves are killing her. No word came out of her mouth. ‘Riding with only one horse together?!’ The only thing she could do was nod as she accepted his hand.

Oh Saint help her get through this….

The man stood by her side as she mounted onto the back of his horse, his hands outstretched in case she slipped he would be able to catch her. Fortunately she didn’t. He hoists himself up, positioning himself behind her. Steading himself on the saddle so she feels comfortable.

Milene gripped the rein tightly as she felt his hand make contact with her.

“ Are you ready my dear?” he asked which she respond with a nod

Together, they set off. Through the gardens. At first she was so nervous. Her emotion was all over her face. But Aleksander gently whispered to her ear as he could feel her nervousness. He leaned in and whisper..

“ You’ll be okay, just trust me” he said, soothing her. Milene tried relaxing more as they ran through a nearby forest. Unconsciously she leaned back, resting herself with her back leaning into the General.

They eventually came to stop at a fountain, a bit further away from the castle, also from the snoopy eyes.

Milene perched herself on top of the edge of the fountain. Her legs dangling in the air as she watches Aleksander, no The General flip a coin into the water of the fountain.

“ What did you wish for?” Milene asked, finally gaining her courage to look into the General eyes.

He chuckled, “ If you must know my dear, i wish that i was born normal” he said his expression sadden

“ Why would you say tha-” Milene got cut off with a gasp, she almost fell into the water below if it hadn’t been for Aleksander’s quick reflexes. He gripped her arm tightly but not to hurt her. “ Careful,” He muttered. Steading her. He pulled out a coin and gave it to her.

“Here,” he pressed the coin to her hand. “ Make a wish”

Looking down to the water she took a deep breath and flipped the coin around in the air and watched it as the water rippled from the force of the little coin hitting the surface. Milene smiled to herself.

“ Can i ask you something” She starts “ About the book”

He sigh, “ I knew sooner or later you would ask” he walk closer to her, sat himself next to her.

“  i think you know from the book now that every grisha have their own soulmate, And mine is you” he muttered as he hold both of her hand caressing her wrist with his mark..

“ H-how can you be very sure about this?” she whispered, her eyes focused on both of their holding hands.

“ Because I have this, '' Aleksander said as he showed his wrist with a healer mark on his hand. “ But that could be any healer from across the worl-'' Milene said but got cut off

“ Because I dreamt about you” he said “ I saw your face, i heard your voice. I dream the way you would find yourself leaning into me. How you would caress my face and hum me some song that sound so beautiful, it made me don’t want to wake up”

“ But then i know i have to wake up i know that you are out there, waiting for me” He finished looking at her with desire..

It happened so suddenly that Milene barely had time to react. One moment, She was staring into his slate-colored eyes, and the next, his lips were pressed to her. Milene felt that familiar sense of surety melt through me as her body sang with sudden heat and her heart jumped into a skittery dance.

Not long after, he pulled back. He looked at how surprised she was.

He chuckled “ I have been waiting to do that for a long time”

The Stolen Heart •Aleksander Morozova•Where stories live. Discover now