[8] What a Friend We Have in Jesus

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[EPISODE 8: Bentley Hellbourne's Day Off]


Hell had never been very big on imprisonment as a form of punishment —at least not since the current political system was put in place. But sometimes, there were horrors in the universe that needed to be kept away from the worlds of the living. There were things in creation that were too dangerous and couldn't be allowed to roam free, lest they use their power for unspeakable evils and endanger the balance of all four realms. And for that reason, Hell did have a precautionary containment cell designed to hold even the most dangerous creatures in existence.

So of course, it was currently housing Lucifer.

This particular cell was basically just a large cavern in the hills outside the main metropolis of Hell. Layers upon layers of protection measures were placed all around it, so as to prevent even the most powerful beings from escaping. In order to reach the cell, one would have to make their way up a long, winding path between the steaming black rocks of the mountain. Then if they wished to get inside, they would need to unlock a series of heavy metal doors one at a time. There was no room for error on behalf of the cell-makers. It needed to be seamless or else Hell might just face its doom depending on what was held within.

The chains binding Lucifer's wrists and ankles were all engraved with a series of six hundred and sixty six different suppression and entrapment spells. Both of his arms were suspended over his head, preventing him from moving an inch. However, despite his limp figure, beneath the dim red lighting of the torches, Lucifer was still able to fill the entire massive cavern with the feeling of his sheer power.

Perhaps this was because he was an archangel and the former Prince of Hell itself. —Or perhaps it was because he was currently belting out old hymns at the top of his lungs, completely unbothered by his current predicament.

"What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer..."

Even though he was singing at an obnoxiously loud volume, Lucifer's voice never once went off-key. It echoed clear and strong throughout the entire cavern, transforming the prison into an open stadium of sound. Unfortunately, Lucy didn't have the chance to finish his acapella solo. He was very abruptly interrupted by heavy, rusty creaking sound which bounced off the rocky cavern walls, announcing someone's arrival.  Eyes sparkling in excitement, Lucy glanced up at the doorway.

But once he saw who had come to visit, the sparkle instantly disappeared and his head drooped back down again. It wasn't the visitor he was hoping for.

She was dressed in black and orange, with ginger ringlets tied up into pigtails. Little brown freckles covered her face and pale arms, adding a child-like aura to her already young appearance. The demon would have almost been cute, if not for the potent expression of contempt plastered across her face.

"Look at you," Yardley said with a slight scoff —a typical sound coming from a demon of her age.

"Yes, please do," Lucy replied, smiling shamelessly, "I consider myself very easy to look at,"

But Yardley was only there to taunt him, not to be taunted herself. So she only rolled her eyes and approached the chains rooting him to the ground.

"This used to be your kingdom. Aren't you even the slightest bit disappointed in the way it's changed?" she asked.

"I don't really care, honestly. I left for a reason." He tried to shrug, but his suspended arms wouldn't budge.

"What was that reason, by the way? Did you run away because you were worried about revolution? Or did you just leave cuz' you were a shitty leader?"

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