[10] In the Fallout

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~2,000 Years Ago

Thousands of angelic bodies were packed between the rows of columns surrounding Heaven's End. Shoulder to shoulder, like an ocean of white, they stood facing the glittering space and rising sun beyond. Each individual angel was holding a breath in the spirit of the oncoming storm. Some were filled with a nervous anticipation, some with a delighted expectancy. The emotions were diverse, but they were all running high. And all of them had agreed that whatever was to come next was destined to be something greater than anything Heaven had ever known.

Ruth was packed into the crowd. Although she did her best to avoid touching any of the surrounding angels, the space was quite tight and the emotional energy was too strong for her liking. However, the thought of potential freedom was reason enough to brave the dense crowd. In fact, freedom was worth everything to her.

Nobody knew what would happen once Lucifer stepped off the edge of Heaven's End. Nobody could say whether he would fly freely or simply fall to his death. This revolution of his might have turned out to be a mass-suicide in the end. However none of his following cared at this point. The sense of dissatisfaction was so strong, they were all willing to put themselves at risk for the mere promise of a better future.

From where she was standing, Ruth couldn't quite get a proper look at Lucifer's face. He was backlit by the sun behind him, and cast in a god-like halo on the steps above. But his voice was clearly audible, echoing throughout the marble courtyard like a glorious trumpet announcing the end of a chapter in Heaven's history.

"God has abandoned this universe, and yet the forces of Heaven still wish to control us!" His voice reverberated in the hearts of every angel present. "My fellow angels, join with me this hour as we turn our backs on the realm that turned away from us! Join with me and claim your right to govern your own destiny!"

The crowd let out a tremendous cheer. Ruth's heart was racing as she joined them. Together, the angels all cried out in their support, each awaiting the moment they would finally be free from the bindings of Heaven.

However, their cheer was cut short when a powerful blast of light went sailing over the heads of the crowd. With a deafening BANG! it collided with one of the columns, reducing it to crumbling debris and dust in a matter of seconds. What were originally cheers of celebration were quickly transformed into cries of confusion, as heads swiveled and a dangerous energy suddenly filled the air.

"Lucifer!" a voice thundered.

Several hundred metres away, the archangel Gabriel stood tall and proud. Behind him, several choirs of angels stood with their weapons drawn. What was originally a feeling of excitement was now replaced by a strong sense of dread amidst the rebels. Now that Gabriel had made an appearance, there was no saying how this situation would play out.

"Brother! How nice of you to come bid us farewell!" Lucifer said brightly, "I didn't know you cared,"

But Gabriel wasn't willing to play Lucifer's game.

"This is the final warning Heaven is willing to give," he told the entire room. "Cease this foolish behavior now, and nobody shall be held accountable,"

"You think we fear accountability?" Lucifer replied. "Heaven has long since lost its ability to judge right from wrong. You're entirely incapable of upholding justice in any form,"

"Enough! Enough with the insults and enough with your foolish words of 'we'. Your flag of revolution flies only for yourself. You only care for your ego, and nothing for these unfortunate angels you have misled!"

A heavy ripple of anger passed through the crowd.

Ruth couldn't believe such words were coming out of Gabriel's mouth. This was the very same person who had clasped golden shackles over her wrists and prevented her from using her magic. How dare he say this was all just for Lucifer's self-interest. In cases like hers, it was clearly a matter of life and death.

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