So... Why Arven? | Author's Note

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Song: "Infra-Red" - Three Days Grace

Song: "Infra-Red" - Three Days Grace

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The first story I wrote in 4th grade was a Pokémon fanfiction called Mystery of Time and Space, which I cherish nowadays

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The first story I wrote in 4th grade was a Pokémon fanfiction called Mystery of Time and Space, which I cherish nowadays.

Long ago, when I started to write original stories, I promised myself I would one day return to that first story and spice it up to be one of my best ones. I never found inspiration for this rewrite until I played Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and learned the heartbreaking story behind my new favorite Pokémon character, Arven (for a personal reason that's hinted at but not explained explicitly). However, those following my stories since The Green Guardian will know what I'm talking about.

I love Arven so much, and I thought the ending of Scarlet and Violet was well done, so I just had to expand on it! Not to mention that Area Zero is one of the best locations in the whole game (thanks to its incredible music and dark backstory)!

I have never been so excited to start a new story before, but that's because of that very first story I wrote. Infrared is nostalgic to me. I can't wait to see what I do with it—as I combine the fantasy genre with science fiction in a new kind of time travel story. I hope you guys will stick with me to the very end and understand why a fanfic like this is so important to me. It's not just because I'm a lifelong Pokémon fan; it's something else... something I will never forget in the years to come.

- Victoria/Viktoria

Please do NOT plagiarize this story! While I don't own these characters, I DO own this plot, and I don't need you guys taking advantage of it. If you want to write your own Pokémon story, you have to do something different. Please do NOT make me turn on my bad side.


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(AI Sada)

(AI Sada)

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(AI Sada again! Please don't judge me. I love her so much.)


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(Arven and the Legendary Pokémon Koraidon)

(Arven and the Legendary Pokémon Koraidon)

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: InfraredWhere stories live. Discover now