"Aw, that's so cute!" Nemona said, looking across the wooden bridge to the log cabin at its end. A ring of flowers decorated its door, and the cabin's thatched roof was held in place by large, Kudzu vines. An overgrowth of trees surrounded it. They provided the cabin with both sun and shade.
Sada glanced at Nemona and asked, "You like it? I found it when I got here. Come. Follow me." She, Penny, Scarlet, and Nemona crossed the bridge with no issues, but Koraidon was a different story.
He saw its small size compared to his and froze in his tracks. Koraidon sniffed the bridge and tapped it a few times. It creaked under his paw.
"Come on, Koraidon. You can do it," Nemona encouraged.
Miraidon merely rolled his eyes and switched to his battle form so he could float. He floated past Koraidon and snickered at him.
"Aw, come on, man," Koraidon complained.
"Dang, what a showoff," Penny said, glancing at Miraidon who reached the other side of the bridge and returned to his low-power mode.
Sada placed her hand to her ear and said to her robot, "It looks like Koraidon and Miraidon are still having some territorial struggles."
"Do what?" Penny inquired, a little confused.
"Nothing," Sada answered, lowering her hand.
Scarlet had an idea. She tapped Arven's shoulder and pointed at his backpack.
"Oh, a sandwich. That's perfect!" he realized. Arven unzipped his pack and pulled out a ham and cheese sandwich. He handed it to Scarlet.
She held the sandwich out to Koraidon and said, "Here, boy." She shook it a few times.
At the sight of the sandwich, Koraidon licked his lips. He touched the bridge a few more times, and then he scurried across it, light on his feet. The bridge creaked under him, but it didn't break.
Miraidon growled. Without warning, he rushed to Scarlet and Koraidon and snatched the sandwich out of Scarlet's hand.
"Hey!" she yelled.
Miraidon swallowed the sandwich in one gulp. Chuckling deep in his throat, he pushed Koraidon with his shoulder.
Koraidon head-butted him in return and roared, "Agias!"
Noticing that Scarlet was about to get caught in the middle of a nasty brawl, AI Sada pulled her out of the way and came between Koraidon and Miraidon. She didn't feel anger, but she did say, "Stop. Both of you," to the two Pokémon. A blow from Miraidon's tail that was meant for Koraidon smacked her in the leg, but Sada didn't even flinch; although, her leg did twitch a little with the impact.
"Mom!" Arven said. He started for her, but Penny stopped him.
"She's okay, Arven," she said.
Arven freed himself. "But, Penny, Miraidon's tail hurts."
"Your mom doesn't feel pain," Penny explained.
"Of course she does!" argued Arven. He hurried to Sada and asked, "Are you okay, Mom?" He reached for her leg, to check it, but Sada's robot booted up again.
"Human presence detected. Switching to attack mode."
"Stop, Mom!" Arven snapped, grabbing Sada's wrist before she could free her Master Ball again. "I know you don't want to do this. Do not let that robot control you."
Sada's wrist shook under his touch, but it wasn't long until it calmed down. Her eyes did not glow cyan; rather, they met Arven's, and she whispered, "I'm sorry."—her catchphrase. Something clutched at her tummy. Was this an emotion she felt? If it was, then it succeeded in making her feel sick.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Infrared
Science Fiction|25X FEATURED| AI Sada vows to be the mom Arven never had, but when the heinous Mastermind of Deception rises from the future, the young android must do everything she can to stop them from taking her humanity. ...