"That was a good move, Arven," Penny admitted, approaching him. "That man had suspicious written all over his face."
"Are you sure?" Nemona asked. "I thought he was rather charming. And did you see that Pokémon with him? Cuteness overload!"
"Says the girl who refused to battle the Future Pokémon," Penny said with a small glare. "And made Scarlet fight that Iron Moth all by herself."
Nemona shut down. Penny was right. She did nothing to help her friends against the Future Pokémon. And it was all because she lost one little Pokémon battle.
Nemona shook her head and changed the subject. "So, this is the future?" It didn't look much different from the present. She and her party probably had to visit a town or city to confirm.
Sada looked up from her arm and questioned, "Ar-Arven? I don't feel good." Her voice was weakening. It was at that point that she almost did sound like a robot.
Sada didn't know an AI could get dizzy... until now. Her world spun like a top, and it only grew worse as the seconds progressed. She wondered if it was her body's way of fighting off the coordinates Kenji transferred to her.
Arven dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Sada's shoulders. He pulled her close to him and said, "You're okay, Mom. I'm here. Penny, can we let her rest for a while? Please?" He folded his fingers over the card Kenji gave him. A feeling tugged at his gut, but Arven pushed it away. He was going to fix his mom another way—by finding his dad and destroying Infrared.
Miraidon found his own private hill to rest on while Arven and his friends took care of Sada. He sniffed some flowers and shooed a few bird Pokémon away. They had been perching on some rocks he wanted to play with.
Miraidon grabbed one rock and tossed it back and forth between his front paws. It was a nasty habit of his when he was worried. He kept his eye on Sada the whole time he comforted himself.
Arven helped her lie down in a soft patch of grass and stuck his knapsack under her head.
A huff next to Miraidon told him that Koraidon had joined him on the hill.
He plopped his butt down next to Miraidon and shook the antennae on his head. For a long while, he did not look at him. Eventually, though, he found the guts to do so and said, "Gias. Agias."
Miraidon huffed. Standing, he stepped over the rock he had been fiddling with and started down the hill. The Pokémon made his way toward a stream, which was just past a few more patches of tall grass.
Behind Miraidon, Koraidon scooped the rock up in his jaw and followed him. He was surprised to find that Miraidon did not snarl at him for once. That meant only one thing: Miraidon finally liked him.
Soon making it to the stream, Miraidon lowered his head and started to drink. Oh wow! He forgot how good futuristic water tasted. It was cold and fresh, just how he liked it.
Koraidon spotted some Magikarp swimming around in a deeper section of the stream. Instantly, he dropped Miraidon's rock and leaped forward. He landed feet-first in the pool, and his splash sent a few Magikarp flying. Smiling, Koraidon jumped again, and two more orange bodies bounced past him.
"Gias?" Miraidon questioned, lifting his head. A few drops of water dripped off his lips. Just watching Koraidon, he felt the sides of his mouth twitching.
Miraidon stiffened up and sat back, but then he remembered Arven's words from before: "You've been stuck in the flight and fight response ever since you started with this Infrared guy. The key is to relax."

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Infrared
Science Fiction|25X FEATURED| AI Sada vows to be the mom Arven never had, but when the heinous Mastermind of Deception rises from the future, the young android must do everything she can to stop them from taking her humanity. ...