"Are you sure you don't want to come back with us, Dad?" Levincia's morning sunshine massaged Arven's weary shoulders like a hot shower. He and Turo stood in front of the Pokémon Center. A small group of people watched them, but a majority carried on with their morning walks with their Hologram and normal Pokémon.
Turo clasped his hip. He turned his head to Iron Hands and Kenji. They held Joy like a giant teddy bear. Turo powered her off before she could cause any more trouble.
"I'm sure," he said to Arven. "Your little Mastermind of Deception has a mess to clean up here, but as soon as I do, I'll come to visit." His eyes rolled over to a few people observing them. "Besides, Arven, the future is my home. Celebi helped me start a new life here. Without it, I would have never used this abandoned Pokémon Center as a place for robots and humans to mingle."
Arven rubbed his chin. "Oh, so it was abandoned, and you turned it into a lab?" It was very much like Sada's cabin in the past. He dropped his hand from his chin when Turo nodded. "Okay, so I have to ask, Dad. Where did you come up with that little Mastermind of Deception title?"
"I was called that a lot when I attended Naranja," Turo answered. "Don't do this, Arven, but I was a little troublemaker in school, as well as the class clown. I loved to deceive the teachers and pull pranks on them—hence the Mastermind of Deception. Cheers!" He gave Arven two thumbs up.
Lowering his hands, Turo put his feet together so he could make himself appear taller. "You return to the present, Arven, and go to school. Once you graduate, if you want to return to the future, I'll have a bed ready for you. But until then, let's just stick with visits. You have your new Pokémon with you and your friends, so you'll be okay."
The second Turo said that, Arven's Koraidon came out of his pokéball and appeared next to him in his low-power mode.
Turo pointed at him. "Ah, Koraidon, perfect timing. So this is what you're going to do." He counted on his fingers. "One: make sure Arven goes to school, two: make sure he gets plenty to eat, and three: make sure he doesn't forget that I'm here."
"Dad!" Arven said, blushing. He hid behind his hands. "Don't be like Mom!"
"Oh, wow!" Turo said, gasping. "Was I a parent there?" Maybe he had it in him after all.
Arven removed his hands. "Eh, we'll work on it, Dad," he admitted.
"Aw." Turo slumped forward.
Celebi flew down to his face and patted it.
Feeling a bit more confident, Turo stood back up. He set his hand down on Arven's shoulder. "Your mom was a good woman, Arven, and the most beautiful one I ever knew. We just weren't prepared for kids. I thought I couldn't handle it, so I left, but I stayed in contact with Sada. Told her I would return when I was ready to be a dad. But... she died before I could tell her."
"I'm sorry you had to see that, Dad." Arven rested his hand on Turo's shoulder. "I'm sure it was scary. But I hope I'm your happy mistake." A feeble smile crossed across his face.
"Well," Turo added, "I do have to admit that I'm slightly jealous that you took more after her than me. But I'm considering that a blessing in disguise."
"Thanks, Dad." Arven's nose twitched.
"Hey, it's okay," Turo said. "We'll get through this. You're a strong, young man, kid. I'm sorry about everything I did—not only to Sada but also to you. If this will help you, I buried her in Area Zero."
"You did?" Arven thought about the grave he saw. Turo made that? "Wow, Dad, that really helps."
Scarlet, Penny, and Nemona soon joined him. Each of them gave Arven a quick squeeze.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Infrared
Science Fiction|25X FEATURED| AI Sada vows to be the mom Arven never had, but when the heinous Mastermind of Deception rises from the future, the young android must do everything she can to stop them from taking her humanity. ...