Song: "I'm Still Here" - John Rzeznik
Arven swore that what was happening was too weird. Mr. Jacq said that some Pokémon, mostly Legendary and Mythical, could have telepathy, but he never believed it.
"Are you sure I can trust you?" he asked Celebi. If there was one thing Arven did learn in school, it was that not every Pokémon was good. It depended on the trainer. Did Celebi have one? If so, why was it there instead of with them? Gosh, there were too many questions in Arven's head right now.
"Kid, I saw Sada with my own two eyes," Celebi said. "She's trying so hard to be the mom you never had, but she needs your help. To get to her, though, you need Miraidon and that time machine."
"You really saw her?" Arven placed his hand on his aching chest. "She's alive?"
"Alive as she's going to be and doing well," Celebi continued. "She misses you as much as you do her. It's pretty lonely in the past. Miraidon is your key to seeing her again. At least one more time."
"Miraidon." Arven reached out to him, but Miraidon growled and snapped back.
At once, Arven dropped his hand and fiddled with his fingers. "Celebi, what's his problem? I thought he was supposed to help me."
"Bi!" Celebi spat. It floated before Arven and pointed at Miraidon, its face red like a Tamato Berry. Celebi flicked Miraidon's nose. "Bi, bi, bi!"
Huffing, Miraidon waved his tail back and forth and pointed his nose at the lab's ceiling.
Seriously? No wonder Arven didn't like Legendary Pokémon. Koraidon ruined his childhood, and now Miraidon would ruin his teen years.
Steam puffed out of his ears like a train whistle. He felt the hole in his heart expanding and told Miraidon, "Fine, be that way. I'll go to Area Zero myself." Arven pushed Miraidon away from him and hustled to the lab's door. With Mabosstiff at his heels, he stepped back outside to Poco Path, only to hear Nemona.
"Yo, Arven!" There she was, jogging up Poco's hill, and she waved at him. "Let's battle!"
A tinkling sound behind Arven told him that Celebi had joined him outside.
Miraidon followed it, but he kept his distance from Arven.
One look at Celebi and Nemona's eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh! What is that?" She hurried to Celebi and plucked it out of the sky. "You're so cute! Did you come from Area Zero? Oh, I just wanna cuddle you!" She squeezed Celebi to her chest, much to its discomfort.
"Nemona, stop!" Arven said. "You're hurting it!"
"Oh, sorry," Nemona apologized, and she let Celebi go.
Coughing, it tried to catch its breath, but when it did, it asked Arven, "Who's that?"
Arven touched his forehead with his index finger. "Nemona. She's one of my friends."
"Whoa, you can understand that thing?" Nemona said, clapping. "That's wicked! And... OMG!" That time, her eyes landed on Miraidon. "What is that? Dude, what'd I miss?"
Miraidon perked up. Unlike Arven, he took an interest in Nemona and came within reach of her.
"Oh, sure," Arven complained. "Ignore me, but go to her."
Nemona scratched Miraidon's head, and he seemed to purr. "Wow, you're like a futuristic version of Koraidon. Do you like belly rubs?"
Nodding, Miraidon fell onto his back and stretched his four legs.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Infrared
Ciencia Ficción|25X FEATURED| AI Sada vows to be the mom Arven never had, but when the heinous Mastermind of Deception rises from the future, the young android must do everything she can to stop them from taking her humanity. ...