Lunce|N1|Dancing In The Dark

156 3 7

Death scene and mention, based off song; Summertime Sadness


The moon hung above, causing a beautiful shine across the ground. The breeze was a calm chill, just right for a dance.

The lone skeleton blinked, staring down at the ground. This was the spot. The spot of his love, the last thing they ever did together. They always wanted to dance with each other. But that was never fulfilled.

Lust held Dance in his arms, sobbing loudly. Dance happily cupped Lust's face and kissed him. Lust's hands trembled as he felt the wound pour of blood. Dance pulled away and smiled. "I love you, you were the best person I could ask for.." Dance whispered.

And those were his last words. He dusted right in his arms, leaving him alone.

But now Lust stands where they last were. He wore a medium long red dress. His heels were kicked to the side. He let out a sigh and hummed. He extended his arms out, and began dancing. Dancing as if he was dancing with someone else.

He felt a smile come across his mouth. Tears started to appear in his eyes, rolling down his face. He stopped for a moment and sighed once again.

He began to dance again, trying to dance with the wind. Lust's eyes fluttered close, letting the breeze lead him. The breeze felt like a warm body, guiding him through. He sniffled, choking back a sob. Lust opened his eyes and felt the breeze leave. He frowned at the loss of touch.

Lust wiped his watery eyes and turned. He bent down and slid on his heels. He looked up, the stars shined with such beauty. His mouth opened slightly.

He shook his head and smiled. He stood back up and began walking towards his car. He opened the side door and hopped onto the seat. He grabbed his keys and turned on the exhaustion.

The car started with a low growl. Lust put the handle into reverse and started to drive, looking behind him. Once he was pulled out from the road, he switched it to drive.

He began to drive slowly. His radio sang softly, trying to not ruin the moment. He exhaled shakily. It was going to be a long night.

They hung the keys on the shelf and ran to his bedroom. He opened and closed the door softly. He scrambled over to the bed and face-planted onto it. He let out a muffled groan mixed with a cry.

"Damn you.."

Lust turned onto his back and frowned. "Kiss me before you go.." He murmured. Their last kiss was short yet passionate. He never wanted to let go, but here he was now. Depressed over the loss of a loved one.

He lowered his hand to his chest, grabbing a fistful of the dress. He frowned heavily. He just wanted Dance back. Why was he supposed to die?

Some people say that life guides us in the right direction. But this didn't seem like the right direction. All the arrows pointed somewhere but not there.

He hated this. He hated his depression. He hated life's choices. He hated that gang the most. He only wanted to hold Dance.

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