No Ships|N1|Starve

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Before we start! This is a rewritten story I made. I want to see how much I have approved. If you want to read the other one, check the other oneshot book!

Nightmare stared out his window. The view of the beach looked.. Peaceful. Kids playing in the sand and water. Parents chasing after their kids. Adults sitting under the sun. Nightmare had always had this thought. Why don't you join them. Nightmare always answered with, "They don't want me near them. Plus the water."

The only reason he was still in this damn place was because of his brother. Dream was the sweetest, even to him. Though he sure was not innocent. Speaking of the sun. Dream unlocked the door and walked in. He went to his bed and flopped down face first. A tired groan left him after the fall.

Nightmare chuckled. "Long day?" Nightmare got a glare from Dream, once he sat up. "Obviously!" Dream shouted. Nightmare rolled his eye. "You should just say no to helping people. If they cause any harm to you, call the authorities." Nightmare stated, it was a suggestion that Nightmare kept beating into Dream's skull.

"At least I appreciate this place." Dream scoffed and and stared at his brother. Nightmare frowned. "I never said I didn't. It's only the people." Nightmare moved away from the window, sitting on his bed. Dream raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What about your lies? The water?" Nightmare groaned. "I only lie to the people just so I can scare them away when I don't burn into a crisp." It was a smart plan, according to Nightmare. Which it really wasn't.

Dream laughed. "Okay then, Princess Peach." Dream laid on his back, ignoring Nightmare's expression. "Did you just insult me? With a game character?" Dream smiled innocently.

Nightmare scowled at Dream. "You know what. I'm going to take a walk." Nightmare slid off his bed and went to his closet. Dream gave a thumbs up, even if Nightmare couldn't see it. Nightmare tugged out a dark black jacket and slid it on. Nightmare turned around and walked to the door. "I might be home late." Dream groaned. "Just go." Nightmare nodded and opened the door, sliding the space.

Nightmare walked through the house, reaching the front door. Nightmare threw the door open and breathed in the fresh air. It smelled of salt and fish.

Nightmare huffed out a breath. Nightmare started his journey.

He went by the bakery and grabbed some pastries. He didn't normally like sweets, but he still needed something in his body to keep him moving. Nightmare wasn't going to eat it now, he was well awake.

Nightmare held the pastries in a bag, he was back to walking. A mysterious path caught his attention. There were a few children scoping it out. Nightmare walked towards the children. "What's going on here?" The children looked up at the monster. "We were just checking out this weird path." Said a girl, Hannah was her name.

Nightmare hummed. "Have any of you went down it?" The children shook their head. "We are not allowed to leave the village! We might get lost if we do..." Sputtered Danny. Nightmare smiled and kneeled down. "How about this, I'll check the path out. When I come back I tell you all about it, deal?" Nightmare suggested, giving his out for Danny.

The boy grinned and shook Nightmare's hand. "Deal! Don't get lost!" Nightmare let go of Danny's hand and stood up. "See you all soon." Nightmare ruffled Autumn's head, who in response gave him a toothy smile.

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