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"Papa!!" Screamed a young child, toddling over to an adult. The child gripped onto the adult's shirt, whining. The adult smiled and shook their head. "Raven.. You know you can't be by my side at all times." The parent said softly. The child, named Raven, frowned. "But I can! I can help awound the house!" The parent chuckled at the child's antics.

They leaned down and hugged the child affectionately. "I wish I could let you. But you need to learn." Raven pouted and nodded. "Okay..." The adult let go of the child and kissed their skull. "Now have fun with Mr. Anderson!" Raven looked at the teacher beside the door. The child walked to the teacher and walked inside the classroom.

Anderson smiled. "Must be hard as a parent. I assure Raven will have fun, Mister Geno." Anderson promised. Geno nodded. "Right. Goodbye for now." Geno waved to the teacher and started walking down the hall. The lower grade section was filled with children and their parents. Some kids going straight to the classrooms and some hanging onto their guardian.

Geno's lover was having conversations with some familiar faces and people. Geno walked to his lover, greeting the meeting with a wave.

"Hello Geno." One person in the group spoke. Geno smiled. It was Nightmare, now a father of two. His lover was nowhere to be seen. Geno's lover noticed his presence and hugged him. "Gen!" Geno smiled and hugged them back. "Nice to see you too, Death." Nightmare blinked. The two were weird. Well Death was the weirdest. Geno just stuck around. "Don't you two live together?" Another person spoke.

Death chuckled. "Yep. But I like embarrassing my Gen!" Death rubbed his cheek on Geno's shoulder, looking into his eye. Death reminded Geno of a cat, always rubbing onto the other to get attention.

The person laughed. "Oh! It doesn't look like it works too well." They pointed to Geno, then to his face. Nightmare wrapped an arm around the other. "Shut up, Dream." Nightmare scolded. Dream frowned in response, but not particularly hurt in any way.

Death blinked, wondering what Dream meant. Geno's face was neutral, only a slight smile. Death gasped. "Do you not love me anymore??" Death shouted with fake astonishment. The group got multiple weird looks. Geno's face flushed. "Shush! You are drawing attention to us!" Geno whispered. Dream slumped on Nightmare, staring at the scene. Nightmare allowed it. "Do you want to sit down? I don't want you to pass out." Nightmare whispered, keeping his voice steady. Dream looked at his brother and nodded.

Geno and Death were.. somewhat arguing about them moving each other. Nightmare took Dream away from them, sitting against a wall.

The other adults stared at the duo, very confused and concerned.

Geno exhaled. "Let's get home. We can't stay here forever." Geno broke the argument quickly, noticing the stares. Death looked around, grunting in annoyance. "Yeah. Let's go." Death grabbed Geno's hand, intertwining their fingers. Geno gave Death's hand a squeeze and started to walk in a direction, Death following closely.

Their walk- or travel was short. The two took a swirling gray portal to their shared house. The house was empty.

Geno looked around the living room. It looked so dark and gloomy. He was quite confused on how it looked so dead in the house. Death snickered. "I guess Raven was the life of the house." Death said in a joking tone, obviously kind of upset. Geno sighed, knowing Death was right.

Geno walked to the couch and sat down. Death followed behind his lover, sitting beside him. Death rubbed Geno's palm anxiously. "I already miss him." Death cried out. Geno smiled. "So do I.." Geno leaned his head on Death's shoulder, sucking in air.

Here is a request! Since I am not friends with the person, they need to be @ed in the comments! Sorry it's short. I didn't really plan a plot for this. Plus I barely worked on it.

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