
126 3 0

Suicidal Thoughts
Eating Disorder

Horror was sitting in the yard, near a sapling. His hand was at his cracked skull, picking at the small fragments. It was a habit of his. A bad habit.

Horror hated his scar. His AU. His clothes hung off of him, swallowing him whole. He was sure his clothes could just fall off his body. That was a side effect of being starved until you are almost dead or driven to the brink of insanity.

Horror grew aware of the footsteps behind. He frowned, knowing what was going to happen. Horror brought his hand to his lap, staying still after that. The person kneeled down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Horror, what did I say about doin' that?" Horror stared at the ground. "Not to.."

The person stood back up and walked in front of Horror. "Let's go patch ya up." The person held out a hand to Horror. The insane skeleton looked up, taking their hand.

Horror was now wearing a bandage, to quit him picking at his dead eye socket and cracked head. Horror looked up at the person. "Thanks.. Farmer." He mumbled. The person, Farmer, smiled, the wheat in his mouth almost falling to the floor. "No problem, Rosebud!" Farmer gave Horror's shoulder a stiff pat.

Horror smiled slightly. He was surprised he was even able to be with Farmer. With his insanity he would definitely would have been pushed away. But he wasn't. Farmer never questioned about his past nor occupation. He loved Farmer. And Farmer loved him back.

Farmer knelt down to Horror's face. "Bud? You doin' okay?" Horror blinked, and nodded. "Yeah.. Just got lost in my head. Heh." Farmer chuckled, putting his hand on Horror's cheek. "Let's go to bed then. We have a big day tomorrow!" Horror leaned into the touch. He liked the small affections.

Horror stood, causing Farmer to back up. Farmer stood up as well and led Horror to their bed room. The two never slept in the same bed. Horror slept on many blankets while Farmer slept on his bed. Farmer didn't like the decision but they had just started their relationship. It would be bad if he rushed Horror.

Farmer opened the door to their room. Horror immediately went to their drawer and took out some clothes. "I'll go into the bathroom this time." Horror muttered and ran to the bathroom. Farmer was a bit confused with the rush but shrugged it off. Farmer picked out some sleepwear for himself. It was just some shorts and a tank top. It was comfortable.

Horror stared himself in the mirror. He cringed at his looks. He had his ecto-body summoned. The cuts and bruises. The way his body could almost touch his bones. He was so goddamn skinny! He can't even eat.

Horror gripped onto the counter. Someone could snap him like a twig. He was so weak. He could die anytime soon. No wonder he wore baggy clothing. But then again, any kind of clothing looks big on him. Except super small sizes.

He was surprised he even made it this far. Why hadn't he killed himself before he met Farmer? He cares too much to do it now.. All Horror can do now is suffer in this thin body.

Horror let out a strangled sigh. He didn't want to worry Farmer.

After a few minutes Horror was out the bathroom, finally clothed in big clothing. Farmer was on his bed staring at the bathroom. "Is everythin' alright?" Farmer asked. Horror went to his nest of blankets and sat down. "No. I just had some trouble putting the clothes on." Horror gave Farmer a smile. Farmer nodded. "If ya say so."

Farmer lifted himself off the bed and walked to the light switch. Farmer flicked it and walked back to his bed. He set himself under the covers. "Good night, and love ya." Horror's bright eye socket looked at Farmer. "Night. Love you too.." Horror laid down, staring at the ceiling. They were going to be at a market tomorrow, selling some of their crops. They had already put the crops away. Now all they had to do was wake up and got to the market.

Horror enjoyed seeing people smiling down at the food. It being homegrown and fresh.

Horror stared at the apple in hand. A small child handed to him as a thank you gift. Horror didn't want to be rude so he accepted it. Farmer had left to do some loading for a few customers. Horror turned the apple in hand. Maybe he could try it? Horror sighed and bit into it. The flavor was good. It felt so great to taste something. But as he swallowed it tasted raw. Great. He still had trouble eating. Horror frowned and coughed into his hand.

"Guess I am going to get sick soon." Horror said with a groan. He couldn't even digest food without bending over and hugging his stomach, needing to puke. Farmer was coming into view, dusting his hands off. Horror slid the apple into his pocket quickly. He didn't want Farmer to see it. He would get worried.

Farmer greeted Horror with a wave. "Hey Rosebud! I'm back!" Horror smiled, greeting him with a small wave. Farmer came closer and kissed Horror on the cheek. "Did we get any more customers?" Horror nodded slowly. "Family of four and and a single-not as a relationship- man." Farmer hummed. "That is good. Were ya nice to 'em?" Farmer gave Horror a one-sided hug. Horror huffed. "Of course I was."

Farmer laughed. "I was jus' joking' with ya." Horror glared at the ground. "Okay.." Farmer noticed something was wrong. Farmer looked at Horror's jacket pocket. Something was there. He reached his hand in Horror's pocket and pulled out a bitten apple. Horror's eye widened. "I-I can explain!" Farmer stared at the apple.

"We are goin' home." Farmer said strictly. Horror frowned and nodded.

Farmer held Horror in his arms. Horror looked tired, sick, and weak. The apple was getting to him now. Farmer rubbed circles on Horror's back, trying to soothe him. "I'm sorry.." Horror whined. Farmer shushed him. "No apologies. Just sleep." Horror stared down. Maybe a bit of sleep could do him better. If he dusted right there, he wouldn't be able to feel it. But Farmer... He would be devastated.

'"Please stop caring about me..."


Well oops. I put myself into Horror. Literally my whole self- Dear stars! But yeah. I had/have a eating problem. I can still eat but I get sick a lot. And I am skinny as fuck. That is why I joke around with my weight. But apparently others are too comfortable with the jokes. Bruhh.

Edit: I think Horror got me sick. Stupid apple.

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