Errormare|N1|Fuck Off

350 7 1

Strong-ish language, mention of loss and death, horrible Spanish


Nightmare fiddled with the spine of a book. The cover read; Lone Prince The simple book was interesting, it taught him many things about the world. It was even teaching him English. However Dream was learning much quicker due to the people of the town.

Nightmare was lucky to have Dream as a tutor. "La idea más estúpida que jamás se le ocurrió." Nightmare mumbled. Dream was bringing some villagers over to the tree. He hope that Nightmare could learn more common communication.

"The stupidest idea that
ever occurred to him."

Nightmare opened the book, flipping to a random page. "¿Vaya? ¿Qué es esto?" Nightmare looked down at the long paragraph. "But. Child book?"

"Oh? What is this?"

The story book was supposed to be for children. Meaning small and only a couple sentences. It was definitely not simple.

Nightmare blinked, a bit taken back. "What?" Nightmare exhaled and laid back onto the tree. "Mamá. ¿Qué es esto?" Nightmare knew he wouldn't get a response. The tree only held their mother's spirit. Yet she was in a deep slumber. That is why him and Dream were created.

"Mama. What even is this?"

Nightmare placed the book to the side.

Nightmare heard some shouts, nothing was wrong. Dream was just letting Nightmare know he returned. "Brother!! I am here!" Dream came jogging up a hill, waving his hand in the air. A smile was plastered onto his face.

Some villagers were walking behind Dream, tagging far behind. Nightmare lifted his hand up a bit, waving back. Dream quickly made his way to Nightmare. When he did, he fell to the ground and pulled him into a hug.

Nightmare laughed and hugged Dream back. The villagers made it to the twins after a bit. Some smiled while others rolled their eyes. Dream looked back at the villagers. "Neil! Neil!!" Dream reached one hand out, seemingly reaching out to someone. Nightmare grinned, but he was confused. Why did Dream bring Neil here? And who was Neil??

Neil moved himself from the small crowd. He slowly walked over to the twins and sat down. Dream smiled happily. "Neil is friend!" Dream turned back to his brother. Nightmare hummed. He wondered if Neil was like the villagers. Of course they were. They were in the town weren't they?

Nightmare began to frown slowly. Neil held out his only hand. "I presume you are Dream's brother?" Nightmare blinked. Neil wanted to touch him? Even shake his hand? Nightmare shook Neil's hand carefully. "Presume?" Nightmare asked confused. What did that mean?

Neil chuckled. "Presume means a guess." Nightmare nodded slowly. New word learned.

Nightmare stared at Neil, taking in their features.

Neil was an cyan green cat. Their sclera was a dull yellow, it fascinated Nightmare. Neil was also missing his left arm. Some bandages were wrapped around his head, as well as his missing arm. He wore a tattered tunic and dark blue pants. The boots he wore were short and purple. He wore a brown scarf and backpack.

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