Some Answers

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"Y-you can't be Allen!" Lenalee cried. They were all helpless. All hope of helping their dear friend Allen was gone.

"He's gone isn't he?"

Allen continued to play with the older Noah's dark hair, as he hummed to himself. Hearing the question he turned to look their way.

"I have no idea what you're all talking about. I'm right here aren't I-oh." He brought he's now fully healed hand up to his face as he shook his head slightly.

"I get it now. Hm...." He trailed off lost in thought,"You guys never did know the real Allen did you?"

"Real?! What the hell! What kinda crap are you talking about?!" Lavi was mad. Everyone was.

Cross stepped forward,"It was bad enough when I met the brat, but I never knew that it was actually THIS bad." He muttered. Allen just smiled his way.

"Aw I wasn't that bad, was I?" He walked towards his old master and slung an arm around his shoulder, "I was the perfect student and child, wasn't I?" Cross pushed him away roughly. "You gave me hell boy. Your anger issues were just awful! You were always destroying my things, hurting my "guests", yourself, and me!"

Choaji interrupted,"But I thought you were always terrible to him?" Everyone was totally confused at this point. "Hm that was when his memories were sealed off." Marian answered with a huff.

Allen let out a laugh remembering his "childhood". "Such a long time ago..."

His face turned serious once again," I will admit that my time in The Order was...nice." He started pacing around the white room,"At least for that Allen."

Everyone looked at him in confusion,"But you said-" He shook his head at them before continuing," The Allen with no memories. He could forget the bloodshed and death...he even made some "friends". He was still an idiot though, almost dying plenty of times...fucking stupid."

The Exorcists' faces lit up," So he really was our friend!"

Allen glared," At the beginning, yes. As his memory started to return, so did his-our-hatred."

"But why?!" Lenalee challenged,"Why so much hatred!"

Allen's glare intensified, as he began to remember more and more. "I don't have to tell you, you stupid bi-" Neah pulled his away from the exorcists.

Neah took Allen's hand in his own, whispering into his ear soothingly. His breathing slowly calmed down as he retook his place in Neahs arms, shaking slightly.

"Sorry, he doesn't like to talk about that." The Noah's fingers worked through Allen's soft locks, calming him down.

"We do need to discuss this." Cross pushed.

Neah sighed,"Of course Marian."

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