Shut up

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"The beginning." Cross folded his arms, taking in the empty darkness that was Allen's mind.

The white haired boy shook slightly, taking deep breathes.

"Ok" he entwined his quivering fingers with the older Noah, leaning against his side.

"Alrighty beginning it is~" Rhode closed her eyes in focus,"hm your memories really go far back.."


"I'm almost done.."

The exorcists stood together awkwardly, not knowing what to do with themselves.

'Stop them'

Everyone's eyes widened in alarm.

"The hell-" Choaji was cut off by a harsh voice.


Allen screwed his eyes shut tight," STOP TALKING TO ME!!! JUST GO AWAYYYYY!!"

'Shut up'

The boy whimpered slightly.

'Shut up'

"Allen-" Lenalee reached out to the fragile boy, before she was pushed away.

'Don't show them'


'You'll regret it'


'Shut up'

He clamped his mouth shut.

'Good boy'

Neah growled low in his throat, " Go away for awhile."

The voice laughed.

'I'll be back'

"Shut up, you stupid child."

Allen froze.

The darkness was being replaced by a memory.
All eyes focused on the past events being played.

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