The Man

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The darkness lit up, revealing a snowy landscape. The world was covered in a blanket of white, and the sky a dull gray. The harsh voice seemed to carry far out into the distance. A small body was thrown into view, shaking violently from the cold.

"S-stop.." The pure white was becoming tainted with red. The frail body tried to cower away, but all attempts failed, as a man's firm boot slammed into the reddish locks of the small figure, and stomped down on a heaving chest.

The body lay there, dying the cold earth in warm red, breathing ragged and harsh.

Gasps were heard throughout the room.

Silvery gray orbs stared up into the sky, no light could be seen within them. Just sorrow.

"Allen..." Someone whispered out.

Said boy winced and held onto Neah like a life line. The older Noah joined the others on the floor as they watched, pulling his young nephew with him, where the boy wrapped his slim legs around the Noah's waist and buried his face into the strong chest.

"What did I tell you boy?" The man came into view, peering down at the younger Allen harshly.

The child tried catching his breath before answering to the best of his ability," D-don't c-c-com-come ou-t o-of the base-basement." Silent tears appeared on his cheeks before freezing from the cold air.

"And what did you do boy?" The man applied more pressure on the heaving chest.

"I-I cam-came o-out." His small face contorted in pain from the boot and icy snow beneath him.

"What the hell is that guy doing?! WHO IS HE TO TREAT THAT CHILD-ALLEN-THAT WAY?!" Lenalee was horrified along with everyone else.

"Keep watching." Allen's muffled voice answered, still embracing the older Noah.

More harsh breathing followed before the child  began to cry," hurts.."

The cigarette Cross had fell from between his fingers at this. Everyone was mortified.

"Allen's..father?" Choaji began to tear up.

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