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Nobody knew what to do. Allen was so much more off than they had thought. He held so much darkness and anger...why?

It was depressing. That someone who seemed so pure and innocent, could be the complete opposite.

A mask.

How could they never tell?

The fake smiles? Laughs? Actions? Tears? Allen....

By now his silver pooled eyes had focused in, and his breathing evened out.


I know.

'You're a good boy'

"No, I'm not."

Neah tightened his embrace on the smaller boy, imagining the thoughts-the voice-in his dear nephews head.

Allen let out an airy laugh," I remember when I thought the v-voice was you Neah."

"Huh, yeah?"

He bobbed his head lightly in response, silvery strands falling across his pale forehead.

"Yeah...I hated you back then. Along with everyone else in this hellish world."

"And how do you view things now?" Cross and the others walked over towards the pair once they saw Allen had calmed down considerably.

He looked up, deep in thought.

"I...I've come to like my f-friends from the Order...I guess..." A light blush appeared on his face.

Lenalee giggled,"You're too cute Allen!"

He smiled lightly.

"Sorry, the memories are...harsh...." he rubbed the back on his head, an old habit, and let out a quiet laugh.  A laugh none the less!

'You're a good boy'

"Why does this voice torture me...who are you?" Allen mumbled to himself.

A new voice rang through the white room,"I think I can help answer that!"

Hehe who could it be?:) Sorry bout this sucky chapter, I just needed to get things started for what's to come! Any suggestions or critique on how to improve this story and/or my writing?

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