Finding Out

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Allen's thin frame shook as sobs racked his body. Neah had come for him! The pain would finally go away! The boy tightened his grip on Neah, burrowing his tear streaked face into the Noah's chest as he continued to sob.

"I-I was..s-so.. lone-ly.." the boy stuttered out, "it hurt s-so much.."

The exorcists were shocked at Allen's break down and words. He's been alone all this time-hurting- and they never knew.

Lenalee had tears in her eyes, while Choaji's face was showing signs of discomfort.

"Neah!" Cross's voice cut through the silence as eyes turned to him.

Neah continued stroking the white locks gently, trying to calm the boy down.
"Shush now Marian, you don't want to upset this child any further." He looked up knowingly.
Cross only glared back in response. He ran a hand through his red hair in frustration before meeting the Noah's eyes once again.
"How long?"

Lavi took a step forward,"What the hell are you two going on about?!" He was frustrated and confused. He hated not knowing anything. What was wrong with his dear friend!

The Noah just continued calming Allen, running circles on his back, and stroking his hair. His sobs were stopping now, but his grip on his uncle only tightened.

Lenalee bit her lip and cautiously reached out to touch her broken friends stiff shoulders."Allen...please look at me-no-your friends." Her tears finally started falling and her lip shook when she got no response," Allen please!" She wrapped her arms around the boys thin waist and rested her head against his back as she begged him to turn around.

Allen gasped at the contact and instinctively jumped up and pushed himself into the wall where the mirror used to be, and began looking around wildly for an exit, an escape.
Kanda rushed forward and grabbed Lenalee before she could hit the floor, and the exorcists activated their innocence.

Allen's breathing became ragged again as worry and stress played across his delicate features.
"Damn.." Neah murmured as he got to his feet and looked at the shocked faces all around him.

"A-allen is a..."

Cross let out a long sigh.

"Yes. Allen Walker is a Noah."

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