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Everyone took a step back as the figure completely stepped through the mirror.

Lenalee wrapped her arms tightly around Allen and glared at the man as he tried to get closer.

The Noah just stared down at the girl and looked down at the white haired boys face tenderly.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The mans eyes snapped up to face an angry looking Choaji.

"I didn't finish talking to Allen about how ridiculous his tantrum has been!" He looked down at Allen in disgust.

Lenalee was about to say something when she was interrupted by Cross.

"That's you isn't it, Neah?"

"Neah..that's the man Allen was screaming about earlier right?" Lavi questioned.

A cold smirk made its way to Neah's face,"Yeah and you guys are the stupid fucks who hurt Allen right?"

Everyone looked taken aback.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU BASTARD!" Lenalee and Lavi looked beyond angry.

Cross told them to calm down.

"What do you want Neah?" He asked warily. He already new the answer.

The Noah crouched down next to Allen's body and shoved Lenalee away. He put his head on his lap like a pillow and wiped away the tears still running down his cheeks.

"He's all broken now..poor nephew." Tears were falling down his face now too.

"Nephew? What the hell!"

"Shut the fuck up Choaji!" Neah glared at him causing him to fall to the ground shaking in fear.

"Allen...wake up now." Neah urged gently.

The boy slowly started to regain consciousness and looked up groggily.

His eyes widened as he shot up and wrapped his thin arms around the Noah tightly.

Neah returned the embrace happily," It's been too long nephew."

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