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Faint outlines of the crosses lined his pale forehead.
'does it hurt'
Allen clutches his head, letting out a shrill scream.
'do you just want to die'
"T-the voices...t-they....whatttt?"
"A-allen?" Lenalee reached a shaking hand towards the boy, "What's wrong?"
He froze, "I stopped."
'good boy'
"I-I am."
His mouth twitched upward into a false smile.
"I-I'm smiling."
'are you tired'
"I'm tired."
"A-" Lavi was cut off my Neah shaking his head.
"Nephew, who's there?" He took a step forward.
Allen's eyes focused to the people in front of him.
'Rest a bit'
"I don't wanna.."
"Don't want to w-" Cross was cut off as Allen's face contorted into a glare.
The stigma lined his forehead, his once white hair turned black with crimson dying the tips, like fresh blood. His pale skin darkened only slightly, and the curse on his eye faded away. His eyes were a deep silver.
Everyone's eyes widened in alarm at the sudden change.
Allen looked around him. All the worried faces. Broken mirror.
He looked at his hands.
Blood ran down them, from little pieces of broken mirror stuck under the flesh. One piece was bigger than the rest, and was located in his right wrist area. He held it up.
Lenalee's eyes widened as she ran up to him to get the glass.
"Let me help you Allen!" She touched the edge of the sharp material before she was shoved into Lavi's arms harshly.
Choaji was getting ready to speak when Allen jammed the glass into his wrist suddenly.
Blood dripped.
He smiled.
He laughed.
They cringed.
They cried.
"Who the hell are you?" Cross demanded.

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