What the fuck did I do?
Why did I do that?
I know I was having doubts
They always go away
I don't think she'll ever see this
I hope she does
I hope she doesn't ignore the notification
She needs to know I miss her
I miss her smile
I miss her caring about me
She probably hates me now
I'm a fucking idiot
I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for one other person
I swore I wouldn't and I did
Now I'm paying the consequences
If she knew the truth, she'd break
In the meantime, it's breaking me
This other person cares about me
He's probably the only one
I'd wish myself back to two days ago and I'd slap my face off
So I'll lean on him, and my friends will hate me and she'll hate me and then he'll fuck up or I'll fuck up and I'll have no one
I hope I can be forgiven
I need you to know
If you see this
I broke myself
The way I knew I would
I cried on the bathroom floor
Curled up in a ball and died
I have at least one person who cares about me even though I'm probably his trophy
So I'll do what I planned to
Even if it kills me
Even if my best friend calls me a slut because of it
Even if my other friend can't believe it
Even if it kills me seeing her alone
I'll do it
Because I don't know what to do
Random thoughts
Diversosthings that go through my head and sometimes come out of my mouth