If People Were Water

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If people were water

I'm a hurricane

Unpredictable and violent

Tearing down cities and leaving destruction in my wake

She's the gentle rain that follows the storm

She heals and cleanses

People lift their arms and faces to her

Let her wash away the pain

Let her heal

If people were water

I am a flood

I wash all away

Wipe the slate clean and start over

She's the gentle waves

The kind that people write about in books

The kind that people fall in love to

She is calm and constant

If people were water

I am a riptide

Pulling people under

Ripping them out to sea

She is the magical waters of the druids

She strips away illness

And suffering

She is loved for her power

As she should be

If you see a pattern, then you're paying attention

All I do is destroy

Myself, others

I ripped a guy's heart out

I have no morals

She cleans up my messes

She heals the wounds I leave

She saved me

I wish I could save her

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