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"What the fuck? It was gone why the hell is it coming back now damn it I don't have the time nor the energy for this? Fucking stop." I mumble to myself. Pacing the room back and forth my hand bounces on my thigh and the other runs through my hair making it tangled . I continue making my breath steady because if I wasn't counting my inhales and exhales they would get all screwed up and I would have a lack of oxygen. My anxiety is all of a sudden, in the last couple months, slowly reoccuring and it's really starting to piss me off. At first it was only the big things that would bring tears to my eyes and make my lungs sting, but now the smaller things are starting to really get to me like a car wreck in the next town over will make my breathing hitch in my throat and I don't understand why. I used to have anxeity when I was in highschool, but it started when I was really little, family gatherings, birthday parties, and sleepovers used to set me off. I would cry and scream and beg my parents to not make me go, but they did and then I got over that social anxeity it also really helped that Michael spent the night continuously. Then in the middle of the freshman year of highschool I would begin to panic if I was late to class, I got a bad grade, or I had a project, whether big or small, coming up, but my anxiety was never as bad as after the wreck. After the accident every little thing set me off, even the mention of Jake's favorite color would set me off into full on sobs and I couldn't step within 50 feet of a car without having a major panic attack. I had to spend a month and a half in a hospital for the mentally ill and after that I still had to endure three months of therapy. The only reason it was so long was because, one I didn't want to get better so I didn't really try, two I had more than one mental disorder. I was diagnosed with anorexia, severe anxiety, nightmare disorder, flashbacks, and depression. I have always been a confident person so I was the last person anyone expected this from. I'm very suprised I wasn't deemed insane by my doctors and only my friends. All my friends dissapeared when my sanity did and that hurt me even worse. I have three friends that stood by me through my mental breakdown; Emily (of course), a boy named Liam (no not payne), and a girl named Juelz whom speaking of I need to actually talk to which might just calm me down.

I decided to actually stop being antisocial and dial Juelz's number. "Hello?" a sweet voice answers. Yep that's Juelz you can just tell by her voice what a cool person she is. Juelz was always an amazing person she always put people before herself and she was always lots of fun to be around. What is with all these nice people liking me? Like seriously I'm not that likable.

"Hi Juelz this is Halley." I state.

"Haley? Halley Greene? No fucking way." she says incredously. I laugh lightly. "I haven't heard from you in forever how are you?"

"Um I'm good. How are you?" I answer. She is right though I kind of disapeered after I got out of the hospital I didn't even purposely vanish, it just kind of happened. I just distanced myself from everyone, and by everyone I mean everyone. I only saw Emily when the baby was involved besides that all I did was read, play guitar, and cry.

"I'm great actually loving life at the moment."

"That's great." I hum fiddling with my fingers. WOW even phone calls freak me out what the fuck?

"So what have you been up to?" she questions.

"School, work, semi-parenting you know same old same old. How about you? Where do you work? Have a boyfriend, fiance', relationship, kids maybe?" I ask.

"Haha no no kids, but I do have a boyfriend and man is he perfect. He is so amazing he has these perfect hazel eyes that I could stare at all day, and this fluffy, golden hair that so shiny, his personality is just to amazing he's sweet, caring, funny, and Halley let me tell you he is so fucking sexy it is unreal. He can go from cute little teddy bear to-"

Doesn't sound like a fairytale// 5sos (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now