chapter two

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-Louis pov-

Urg I felt so sick this morning, I woke up around 4 am and I was sure I couldn’t get back to bed. I felt something in my chest, it was like someone was crushing my heart. It was really painful but nobody knew about it, I know not telling was a mistake but I didn’t wanted to make them worried about me. Harry was still snoring next to me, soft breaths escaped from his mouth and I had to control myself to not kiss him awake. Instead of doing that I just gave him a peck on this forehead. I got up and walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. When I leaned forward I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. I reached with one of my hand to the place where I knew my heart was and with the other one I tried to grab the table to prevent myself from falling on the floor. When the pain was finally gone I slowly got up and grabbed a glass of milk. I knew something was wrong with me. But I couldn’t go to the doctor, I was too afraid for that. I’ve never been to a doctor for something as this. I made a deal with myself, I wouldn’t tell anyone about the pain and tried to hide it so no one could see it. But if the pain got to bad I would have to talk to Harry, he was my boyfriend after all.

It was 5 am and I was bored so I decided to watch the telly, but at 5 am there’s nothing on it so I went back to bed. I looked at harry’s sleeping body and crawled against his chest. After an hour of just lying in his arms, I was getting bored again so I decided to wake him up. ‘Haz? Babe it’s time to get up’ I said softly into his ear.’hmmm’ He groaned. ‘Haz, please wake up. I’m not feeling well’  I said. He jumped of the bed and rushed to my side ide as the overprotective boyfriend he is. ‘Lou, what’s wrong? What happened? Where is it hurting? Do you need a doctor.’ He said way to quickly making him stumble over his own words. ‘Babe calm down, it’s just my stomach. Nothing bad, I probably ate something wrong.’ I tried to explain, but I was the worst liar in the world so I knew he didn’t believed me but he didn’t say something. I looked him in the eyes, but I saw nothing. It was like he was gone or something. I’m sure he was thinking of something but I don’t know what. ‘Haz? You okay?’ I asked suddenly. His eyes closed and opened again with a confused look in them. ‘hmm? What?’ he asked shyly. ‘‘nothing haz, I’m going to the living room I want to watch some tv, you coming?’ I asked him with my best pleading eyes. He just nodded and I jumped of the bed when I suddenly felt the pain In my chest getting back. I didn’t scream but it was hard for me to move. I stood at the top of the stairs when I suddenly felt me gaze getting blurted. ‘Lou? What’s…’ I don’t know what he said cause I felt a pang in my heart and everything went black….

*beep…beep..beep* urgh what an annoying noise! I wanted to turn it of but I have no idea what it was. I felt numb and my chest hurted like hell. I wanted to open my eyes to see where I was, but I was too weak. Suddenly I felt something warm and soft grabbing my hand. ‘hey Boo…just wanted to let you know I’m back again’ he said softly, his voice sounded so sad and broken. I wanted to give him a sign that I could hear him but I couldn’t move a muscle. I felt something wet hit my cheek. Was he crying?! ‘Boo, please wake up! I fucking need you so badly!’ he started crying. This broke my heart! I didn’t want the love of my life being sad over me. I put all my strength together so I could move a finger. When I did it I heard someone gasping for air. ‘Boo! You’re awake!’ he yelled enthusiastically. ‘Boo, open your eyes for me babe? Please?’ he begged. And again I gave all my strength to open my eyes. I slowly and weakly opened my eyes. I bright light shined trough my eyes and It hurted. ‘Boo! Oh god, you’re awake’ Harry said through his tears. ‘y-yeah…’ I spoke. ‘w-what…happened?’ I asked him. He tightened his grip on my hands and fresh tears were falling of his cheek. ‘I don’t know babe, but the doctor knows, but he didn’t want to tell us what was wrong with you.’ He explained. Whoa the doctor didn’t want to say it? Was that good or bad? Inside I was terrified. ‘Boo? You okay?’ harry asked worried. ‘Yeah, hazza. I’m sorry’ I said serious. ‘don’t be sorry, it’s not like you knew something was wrong right?’ he said obviously trying to make a joke, but I didn’t laughed. ‘Lou? You didn’t knew it, right?’ he asked again. ‘i…I’m sorry haz, I felt some pain in my chest for a couple of weeks but I didn’t want you guys to worry so I never said something.’  I looked away from his bloody gorgeous eyes. ‘Louis! You got a fucking heart attack you know?!’ he yelled, I felt tears forming In my eyes but I refused to let them fall. ‘i-I’m sorry!’ I whispered. He sighted. ‘you could’ve died Louis!’ he started crying again. I couldn’t stand to look at him. ‘I know’ I whispered back. ‘you obviously don’t Louis!’ he yelled back, he was getting angry and I was getting scared of him. ‘haz, please don’t be…’ I started but he interrupted me. ‘I have a good reason to be mad Louis! What if you died? Do you ever even think of what you do to other people? Why are you so selfish?’ he yelled. His words hurted me, I hears something in his voice that said that he was thinking it for a while but never had the balls to say it in my face. Tears streamed down my face, I just let them fall. ‘i..i-I’  I couldn’t find something to say back so I just started to cry more. But when I started to hiccup, my chest was hurting again. ‘y-you’re hurting me’ I said when I clenched my hands around my chest. ‘oh god! Lou, I’m so sorry! Please breath for me babe! Please, Lou! I didn’t mean it!’ he cried and begged for me to breath normal. When the pain was gone I took his hands in mine and whispered ‘thank you’ in his ears. He smiled and kissed me roughly. When he pulled back I asked him how long I was passed out. ‘3 days Lou, you were gone for 3 fucking days’ he whispered. I felt bad for not telling him and I made a deal with myself again. From now one I would tell Harry everything! I reached for him to touch his lips again when a strange man entered the room. ‘hello Mr Tomlinson, I’m doctor . I came here to speak to you about the pain in your chest.’ I nodded at him as a sign for him to go on. ‘well, I’m afraid I have bad and good news. Which one do you want first?’ he asked nicely. I looked at Harry but he was staring at the doctor. ‘uhm, I think the bad news.’ I asked not sure about it. ‘well the pain in your chest is there cause you have some problems with your heart. You have a very weak heart Louis. And to be honest this heart attack was just a tiny one and was nothing compared to the ones I’m sure you’re going to have later.’…well he sure was honest with me. ‘and I’m sorry to say but the things doesn’t look so good for you Louis.’ I looked at him curious. ‘what do you mean?’ he sighted. ‘what I mean is that we need to find a new heart for you in a month otherwise…’he stopped talking. I looked at Harry and he was very pale, it scared me. ‘please go on.’ I asked the doctor. ‘you’re heart would be way to weak…which means you would die…’

well here's chapter 2... for the people whor read it -thank you so much it means the world to me! i know the story kind of sucks but i promise it will get better!!!

if you have anything you want to tell me or if you have some advice/ideas i would be happy to hear it from you guys!

Lots of love! xxx

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