chapter Five!

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Heloo there unicorns!! x How are you today?

i just finished chatper 5 so i thought why don't update nos?? so here it is Chappiee 5 if anyone reads it enjoy!!

warning: there's smut in it i'm sorry for the ones who doesn't like to read it but you can skip it if you want to. it's on the end of the chapter si you don't miss a thing :d

i hope you like the story so far xxx Byeee See Ya SOoooonn

oh and about the pic on the sidebar... i just love it cuz it's adorable!! look at their faces... Too Cutee xx

okay i'm done ramblingn sorry about that! Enjoy xx

Chapter Five

*a week days later*¨

-Harry’s Pov-

I woke up next to a sleeping Louis. My heart broke when I saw his figure. He was very pale, skinny and he had black circles under his eyes. His heart was beating fast, I could see his chest raising way to fast. In less than a week everything changed. I couldn’t kiss him when I wanted cause he would be to tired, he felt sick, he didn’t want to cause he thought he was to ugly. I missed my Boobear so much, I wanted to help him, give him his old life back. but I couldn’t and I hated myself for that. I held him tighter in my arms. He really lost weight. His ribs were showing and the abs were almost gone. He was shifting in his sleep again. ‘Lou, babe? Wake up…’ I whispered softly. He didn’t move a muscle. I gently shook him. ‘Babe, you need to get up. We have a meeting with management.’ I said. He slowly fluttered his eyes open so he was looking straight into my eyes. I was shocked when I saw his eyes. They weren’t blue anymore, they were a dark shade of grey. I was scared of them, they were so empty. Sadness, worry and fear was all you could see. ‘but I’m tired Haz. Please don’t let me go.’ He begged, tears were forming in the corners of his eyes. ‘Boo, please don’t do this to me. We have to go’ I said, I hated to see him like this. ‘but I’m too tired. Please don’t’ tears were falling from his eyes. ‘and if I carry you and never let you go?’ I said desperately. He just nodded. I crawled out if the bed and dressed myself. Louis was trying to get up, but he was to weak. ‘I get you babe.’ I said while helping him up and getting him dressed up. I carried him into the living room. The lads were all sitting around the kitchen table. When I walked in the kitchen with Louis in my arms they all stopped talking. Niall looked away, tears were forming In his eyes. ‘hi’ Liam said softly. I just nodded at them. ‘let’s go, please’ Louis whispered. I kissed his forehead and laid him down on the couch. ‘what…’ he said but I interrupted him. ‘shht Boo, save your breath.’ I took his shoes and put them on his feet. ‘ I can do it to haz’ he said with a weak smile. ‘no you can;’ boo, I’m sorry’ I said. He just sighed. ‘l-let’s go’ Niall said. We all nodded and headed to the car, Louis was still in my arms.

When we were at the building I softly putted Louis on the ground. ‘just a second boo, I will be right back’ I said while walking to the front desk. ‘whe have a meeting’ I said to the small girl behind it. She gave me a very flirty smile. I hated if girls did this. ‘just a second babe’ she said. She tapped something on her computer. ‘3th floor, they will be waiting I room 4’ she said while giving me her hand. I shook it and when I took my hand back I saw that she putted a little note into my palms. I opened it, it was a number. It was fucking het telephone number. I was boiling on the inside. How could she just gave me her freaking number when she knew my boyfriend was dying. I just threw it into the nearest trashcan. She gave me a weird look but shrugged her shoulders. I rushed back to Louis who was putting all his powers into staying on his feet. ‘Boo, I’m back hun’ ‘finally, take my hand Haz.’ He said. I wrapped my arms around his small figure and took him in my arms. We took the elevator to the 3th floor. When we were I room 4 I had to put Louis down. ‘I’m sorry Boo, just hold my hand’ I said. He stumbled into the office and plopped onto the couch. I sat next to him and putted my hand around his shoulder. He leaned into my touch and buried his head into my shoulders.

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