chapter 11

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AN will be at the end of the chapter :D xx

Please listen to the song, it's from a belgian movie but it's english... :D

ooh and the picture on the sidebar is the ring that Harry buyed for louis :D x

Chapter 11


I ran and ran, I couldn’t stop anymore. My feet were doing their thing it was like I couldn’t control them anymore. I was running on a beach, I have no idea how I got there but we were in the middle of nowhere after all. My heart was beating fast and banged against my chest. It hurted. I looked around and saw that I was just a couple of meters away from the house. I saw Harry sitting on his knees, crying I suppose. My heart broke at the sight so I decided to go back to him. I turned around and started running back to the house, suddenly someone grabbed my wrist so I did the first thing that popped in my brain, I screamed for ‘Help’. Harry’s head popped up and he jumped on his feet, looking around like a madmen. ‘Louis!’ he yelled when he saw me. The person grabbed me around my waist and pulled me back to a van. ‘Harry!’ I yelled. A black thing covered me eyes, I couldn’t see anymore only hear. Suddenly the hand were gone, I couldn’t keep my balance, so I stumbled to the floor. I hears a loud bang followed with a groan of pain. ‘Haz?’ I whispered. ‘I’m here Babe, shht don’t cry.’ He helped me back on my feet and lifted the bag of my head so I could see him. ‘thanks Hazza.’ I smiled and kissed him on the lips. Well, I couldn’t stay mad at him forever could I? He kissed me back. When we both pulled back to breath I saw the tears in his eyes. ‘haz? Babe, don’t cry. Why are you even crying?’ I asked softly. ‘Lou, I almost lost you.’ He explained. ‘but you didn’t.’ I smiled. ‘but what if those guys took you away from me? What if you got an heart attack and I wasn’t there to save you? I’m so sorry boo, I didn’t mean to hurt you.’ Tears were streaming down his face. ‘no, it’s my fault. And now let’s shut up about it.’ I smiled and hugged him tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his were around my waist. ‘I love you Boo.’ He whispered in my ear. ‘I love you to Hazza.’ I kissed him again.

When we were back home I was so tired! I couldn’t even walk upstairs. Harry had to drag me to the bedroom. ‘so sleepy’ I groaned. ‘then sleep boo, I will be here when you wake up.’ Harry whispered. ‘love….Yo-‘ I couldn’t talk anymore when the blackness took over. I felt something strange in my chest, my heart hurted but I couldn’t scream for help. I couldn’t breathe anymore. ‘be right back, night boo.’ Harry said. NO! he can’t leave me now! I’m fucking dying! I felt myself getting into the darkness even more.


‘be right back, night boo.’ I said, I knew he was sleeping but I needed to get something important. I ordered a very special thing in the local jewelry shop. I ran to the shop, ‘hello, I’m here for the order of Mr. Styles.’ I said when I entered the shop. It was small, but so beautiful. ‘here you are, you must be really in love with the men if you get such an expensive engagement ring sir’ the lady behind the desk smiled friendly. ‘nothing is to expensive for my Boo.’ I smiled and paid her. I walked back to the house. ‘did you got it?’ Niall yelled from the kitchen. ‘yup’ suddenly 3 boys ran to me. ‘let me see it’ Liam said. I sighted and pulled the little black box out of my pocket. I showed them the ring. It was a silver one, no diamond but it had something engraved inside. ‘take my hand .’ ‘so beautiful’ Niall whispered. ‘well I must say that you have a taste in those kind of thing. When I get married I’m going to ask you to buy a ring’ Zayn smiled and walked back of. Niall ran back to the kitchen. ‘when are you gonna ask him?’ Liam said suddenly. ‘maybe tonight, on the beach. I don’t know! What do you think?’ I groaned, I completely forgot about this part, I don’t even know how you can forget this part but oh well, I’m harry Styles so everything is possible for me. ‘ask him in your room. On your knees, with candlelight.’ Liam said. ‘but that’s not special’ I whined. ‘ ‘It is for him, now go see if he’s awake. ‘ he pushed me to the stairs. ‘fineee’ I whined. I walked upstairs, with every step my heart was pounding faster and faster. I was shivering and sweating.  God I was so nervous. I reached the door, ‘Boo?’ I asked while knocking on the door. No answer. I slowly pushed the door open. ‘Lou? Babe wake up’ I softly whispered into his ears. Still no answer. I planned a kiss on his head, but when my lips touched his skin I immediately pulled back. His skin was ice-cold! ‘babe!’ i yelled while shaking him violently. ‘Louis!’ I screamed, he didn’t react. His eyes were closed and he was ice-cold. ‘Noo, Louis!’ I cried. I took his body into my lap and started to rock back and forth. ‘Louis!’ I kept yelling. ‘Harry? Whats w-..Oh God!’ Liam yelled when he saw us. ‘please don’t say he’s…’ the tears were streaming down his face. ‘It can’t be true.’ He said to himself. I heard laughing from downstairs, footsteps came upstairs. ‘god Zayn, hahah, how can you be so-‘ Niall’s eyes widened when he came into the room. Louis was laying lifeless in my lap, me and Liam were crying. ‘noo!’ he yelled and felt onto his knew. ‘Louis!’ he yelled. Zayn sat next to him, trying to comfort him. ‘we-we need an a-ambulance’ Liam whispered. I shook my head, they can’t take him away from me. ‘Harry, he needs to go..’ Zayn said. ‘No!’ I yelled. ‘Louis! Babe, enough with the joke! Wake up!’ I yelled in Louis face. He just kept his eyes closed. I started shaking, I couldn’t breathe anymore. ‘Harry, stay calm!’ Liam yelled from next to me. I started yelling when he tried to pull me away from Louis. ‘Zayn, call an ambulance.’ Liam yelled at Zayn. ‘noo!’ I yelled but it was too late. A few minutes later a few people in yellow jackets came into the room. ‘sorry for your lost’ one of the paramedics said to me. They forced me to let Louis go, I was pulled back by Liam and Zayn. ‘No! Let me go!’ I screamed at them. ‘he’s gone!’ Zayn yelled into my face. That’s where I lost it. I felt on my knees, I was shaking, sweating, yelling and crying. He was gone, he would be forever gone. I’ve never even had the chance to make him mine. He was dead and he wasn’t mine. Niall crawled over to me. ‘It can’t be true’ he whispered. I pulled him into a hug. He was Louis little brother. Louis would do everything to protect Niall. ‘Niall, give him some time’ Liam said while he and Zayn got out of the room. ‘he isn’t gone, I know he isn’t.’ Niall said before walking outside. i laid on my bed, our bed. I forgot to close the curtains but I couldn’t care less. ‘Louis.’ I whispered again. I looked outside and saw the bright light of the moon. Thousands and millions of stars. My mum used to say that every star was actually a soul. Only good people could be a star when they died. I’m sure Louis is the brightest star in the universe at the moment. I closed my eyes, I was still crying but after 3 hours I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and felt into a dreamless sleep. I would see him back soon enough.

I was woken up by someone saying my name. ‘Harry, we need to go.’ Niall’s voice said. I groaned. Why was I so exhausted? I pillow was wet! ‘what happened?’ I asked him. ‘where’s Louis?’ ‘oh god Harry!’ he yelled at me before running out of the room. What the- suddenly everything came back to me. I remembered what happened last night. Louis was gone, dead, forever. ‘Noo!’ I yelled when the tears streamed down my face again. ‘Harry? We need to go to the hospital to…say…uhm goodbye to Louis?’ Liam said it so it sounded like a question. I couldn’t move so the boys helped me in some clothes and into the car. ‘he’s a mess!’ Zayn said to Liam, they were both sitting in the front of the car. I sat next to Niall who was sitting really close to me, he had tears in his eyes just like me. Only his weren’t falling down like mine were. ‘we’re here’ he whispered and took my hand in his. Before I knew it we were standing in front of a large gray door with the silver word ‘Mortuary’ on it. I heart stopped beating for a second when Liam pushed the doors open en we were led to another smaller room. There was just a table in the room with a large white bag on it. I’m sure there would fit a body in…Oh, yeah. Niall dragged me to the table. I didn’t want to look, I couldn’t see him dead! ‘are you guys ready?’ a men in a white suit asked us. Niall, Liam and Zayn nodded but I couldn’t even move at the moment. He zipped the bag open to let us see Louis. Who was now a lifeless, pale, ice-cold and dead body. Nobody said a word we just stared at him. I slowly grabbed his hand, like I said it was ice-cold and weird to hold. ‘I’m sorry’ I whispered while kissing his knuckles. I don’t care what they thought of me kissing a dead body. ‘I’m so sorry’ I cried. I let go of his hand and without another word I walked out of the room. I was ready, ready to go with him….

well... i really hated to write this chapter but i had to do it :( i made it not so emotional cause 1) i don't want to make people sad.   2) i just can't write emotional things :(

i like to ask you guys something. do you want Louis to come back or do you want Harry to die. or do you want Louis to become Harry's guardingangel?? Let me know what i should do cauce i really have ni idea what to do now :( soorrryyy xxxx

Love you my unicorns!! <3 Stay true, stay you!!

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