chapter 9

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hii, i'm sorry for not uploading in a few days :D but i went to Cody simpson yesterday!! it was fucking amzayn!!!!!!!!! i had such good places... well back to the story, this chapter is really reallllllyy short but i think it's good :D x i hope you'll think that to!

well, enjoy!!! Byeeee xxx <3

-Harry- :D xx

Today is the day! I’m finally going to ask Louis to marry me! God, I’m so fucking nervous. Liam took him for a walk so I could prepare the bedroom. Niall and Zayn were on the beach cause I asked them to leave, I wanted to have some time alone with him. I’m shaking on my bed, I can’t believe I’m really doing this. What if he says no? what if he runs away and never talk to me again? But what if he says yes? Will we be together forever? Will we have gorgeous kids with magical eyes? I made a heart shape of rose petals on the bed. I put on some candles so the whole room spelled of vanilla. Which was mine and Louis favorite smell.  Omfg I was so fucking nervous! I went to the toilet for like 6 times in 15 minutes. I was walking downstairs to walk back upstairs for the fifth time when I suddenly heard the front door unlock.

I ran downstairs, ‘Hi Babe, you’re home?’ I greeted Louis. ‘yup, I think I am Haz’ he smiled when I pulled him close to me to kiss him properly. ‘I’ve missed you’ he whispered in my ear. ‘too, babe. You want to eat something?’ ‘yeah sure, I’m starving. Liam took me for a walk, we got lost so I had to find the way back because he was flipping out’ he laughed. ‘well, that sounds like Liam’ I shrugged. ‘so, what have you done in the time I was gone?’ he asked. I had to think of something to answer that question so I just said ‘nothing’. Really Harry?! ‘nothing?’ he asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded my head and finished my meal. ‘where’re you going?’ I asked loudly when Louis was about to walk upstairs. ‘going to change in something comfortable. I’m not feeling well so I might just take a nap if you don’t mine.’ He said when he walked upstairs. ‘No! Lou, come back!’ I screamed at him. He ran back. ‘what?! What happened?’ he asked with wide eyes. ‘i..uhm… I..’ ‘Haz? What’s wrong? Is there someone in our room?’ he asked with a smile. I didn’t answer so his smile faded and with wide eyes he ran upstairs. ‘Good job Harry, now you have to ask him right away’ I sighed and slowly made my way  upstairs. Louis was standing in the hallway with tear filled eyes. ‘Lou? Babe? What’s wrong?’ I bit my lip to not cry to. ‘you cheated on me’ he whimpered. ‘I did WHAT? How could you think that. Babe listen, I would never ever cheat on you! I promise with all my heart! I love you Louis William Tomlinson and I’m going to prove it to you. Close your eyes hun. ‘ I said while taking his hands in mine to lead him to our bedroom. I opened the door and made him sit on the bed. I was careful to not let him hit any candles. ‘Haz?’ he asked. I shook my head and sat on one knee. ‘open your eyes Lou.’

-Louis- :o

‘open your eyes Lou.’ He whispered. It took me a while to do it cause I was busy smelling the room. It smelled amazing. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and my eyes were getting wider every second. ‘what-‘ I stopped my words when I saw Harry sitting in front of me on one knee. OMG is he… no he can’t. Or is he? ‘Louis William Tomlinson, before you give me your answer, please listen to me.’ He said. I just nodded as a sign for him to go on. ‘I love you Lou, since we met at the x-factor. That was the best year ever. I had the chance to meet a lovely, sweet, honest, cute, hot looking guy. I was so happy when Simon said we were in a band together but I also was afraid. I was afraid of you, that If I told you , you would never feel the same way. That you would push me away. Then we became best friends. And then one year ago I finally told you everything. You just laughed and kissed me. That was the best day of my life. The sparks I felt right then and there were amazing. All the kisses we share are different than the ones before. I love every single one of them. And now to the question. I hope we can share those kisses forever Babe. So Louis William Tomlinson, do you want to marry me?’ he said his speech and when he asked the question I couldn’t answer. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. He looked at me with pleading eyes. ‘i…’ ‘it’s okay, if you say no Lou, it wouldn’t change a thing.’ He said his smile was gone. So I answered the question with an answer I’ve never expected to came out of my mouth.

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