chapter 13

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hiiii ;D well i decided to make to story a little bit different ...

@UntillWeSurrender thaks you so much for the great ideeaa!!!! i can't thank you enough. here's a cookiee!! xx i love Youu!! :D xx

i hope you'll like this chapter, it's a bit longer then the others but please comment/vote/ fan whatever you want to do...

Enjoy!! xx

ps: about the gift in the side... i couldn't recist to show it!! it's soo goood :D xx and the song is really beautiful and i think it fits in the story :d xx

Chapter 13


*a week after the funeral*

I can’t fucking deal with this shit! I need him so badly. I need his kisses, his touch I just need him! I tried to kill myself a couple of times but I just couldn’t do it, it was like something was stopping me I don’t know what…..or who. I tried everything, jumping off a bridge, in front of a train, bus or whatever moves. I even hanged myself but of course the robe broke…

I laid in my bed, like I was doing the whole week. I just came out of bed to drink, eat or pee. ‘I’m so tired of you acting like this! Get the fuck out of that damn bed!’ Zayn suddenly stormed into my room. ‘no.’ I just said coldly. ‘I don’t take a no as response. You’re going with u whether you like it or not!’ he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bed. I let my body go numb. I laid In his arms like a dead men. ‘Don’t you even dare to-urgh whatever Styles!’ he let me fall onto the ground and left the room. I groaned in pain but stood up from the ground and went to bed again. Then Liam came in. ‘I’m sorry for Zayn, he’s not himself lately. I think he misses L-him. ‘ ‘who doesn’t?’ I asked, surprised I could talk. I haven’t talked in days. ‘yeah…Harry maybe you should come outside. Just for once.’ He asked. I was thinking. Maybe I could, I could use some fresh air. ‘fine, but not for long. I’m busy.’ I said not thinking. ‘yeah I can see.’ He smiled and left the room. I started to put on some new clothes. When I was finished I went downstairs. ‘let’s go.’ I said to the boys who were waiting for me. They all nodded and followed me outside. I froze when I felt the cold breeze hit my face.

I looked at the ground, he used to walk on this stones you know? God, I sound so pathetic. ‘You okay?’ Niall asked. I just nodded and started walking. ‘hi babe.’ I suddenly heard a familiar voice say. It sounded a lot like.. No it couldn’t be, could it? I shrugged it off and walked faster. ‘yeah it’s me. Don’t be scared Hazza.’ I turned around, looking for him but I couldn’t see him anywhere. ‘what are you doing Harry?’ Liam asked. ‘I  heard Louis’ I said not looking them in the eyes. ‘uhm Harry L-‘ he got cut off by something. ‘what do you mean?’ Liam asked. I looked at him, he was covering Zayn’s and Niall’s mouth with his hands. ‘I heard him calling my name.’ I said calm. ‘oh okay. Well we need to go Harry’ he said while he grabbed Niall and Zayn by the wrists and pushed them forward back to the house. ‘he’s gong mental’ I heard Zayn say to Liam. Niall just nodded his head. Fine now everybody think I’m going mental. ‘not everybody Hazza.’ Louis voice said again. ‘where are you?’ I yelled earning some odd looks from people but I couldn’t care less. ‘I’m right here babe, go home.’ He said. I started running back to the house. I pushed the door open and ran to my bedroom locking the door behind me. I looked around the room. ‘Louis?’ I whispered. ‘right here Hazza.’ He said. I swear I could hear the smile on his face. ‘ I can’t see you, please let me see you.’ ‘okay, don’t be eager Haz.’ I looked around again when I suddenly saw a shadow in the corner. ‘Lou?’ he stepped forward so I could see him in the light. It was him. I stood frozen. ‘Hi Harry’ he said with a huge smile on his face. I smiled back and ran to him, to touch him, to hug him, to kiss him. ‘NO!’ he yelled. I immediately stopped running. ‘what..?’ I started. ‘you can’t touch me! Like EVER!’ he said. ‘but why?’ I felt the tears forming in my eyes. ‘I needed to offer something to get back here Hazza. You can see me, but you can’t touch me. I’m really sorry, if you want me to go away I’ll go.’ He said with a sad smile. ‘No! I can’t let you go again Lou, I really can’t. I don’t care if I can’t touch you., as long as I can see you I’m good.’ I said softly not sure of my own words. ‘babe, you need to know that if we touch each other I have to go back. and then I’ll be gone forever.’ He explained. ‘well we can’t let that happen right?’ I said jokinly. ‘nope we can’t, but there’s a good part. We can touch each other from midnight till 6am. After that we need to stop.’ He smiled at me. I felt my grin go wide. ‘I can live with that Boo. God, I missed you so much!’ I whined. ‘I know babe, I’ve seen it all. I can’t wait till midnight.’ He said winking. ‘do the boys can see you to?’ I asked. ‘yeah they can, I think so.’ He frowned. ‘you wanna check? Go downstairs, let’s scare them.’ I said exited. ‘fine, but only to see Zayn’s reaction.’ He smiled. I opened the door for him making sure not to touch him. ‘well thank you gentlemen.’ He smiled before walking downstairs. ‘ooh I have an idea. You go inside pretend that nothing happened. Then I walk in and then you’re going to pretend you don’t see me.’ He smiled. ‘good idea boo.’ I whispered before going into the living room. ‘harry? What are you doing here?’ ‘well, the last time I checked my bills, I was the one who lived here.’ I said winking. ‘uhm okay?’ Liam was looking at me like I had 4 heads growing on my ass. ‘Heloo boys how are you?’ Louis yelled while jumping into the room. Omg, you had to see the looks on Liam’s, zayn’s and Niall’s face! They were shocked as hell. ‘w-what.. L-louis?!’ Liam shivered. ‘yeah who else? Why are you shivering?’ ‘you’re dead.’ Zayn said shocked. ‘am not, thank you very much’ Louis smiled. It was hard for me to not laugh. ‘Harry! Look it’s Louis!’ Niall yelled. I looked at him with a furious face. ‘God Niall, how can you even joke about that!’ I yelled at him. ‘but it’s true, he’s standing right there.’ Liam said while pointing into the direction where Louis was standing with a huge grin on his face. ‘You to Liam?’ I yelled and stormed out of the room, making sure not to get close to Louis. One outside I put my ear against the door to hear everything. ‘what’s wrong?’ I heard Louis saying innocently. ‘you were fucking dead!’ Zayn yelled. I couldn’t help it any longer so I burst out in laughter. ‘thanks Harry, good game’ Louis rolled his eyes when I stumbled into the room. ‘wait. You aren’t dead?’ liam asked. ‘oh yes I am. But I’m a ghost.’ Louis explained everything to them. Also the part where they had to learn the could never touch Louis in any way. Only after midnight. But that was my time to touch him so he didn’t mention that. ‘I’ve missed you’ Niall whispered. A few tears were escaping his eyes. ‘hey! Don’t you dare to cry! I’m back, please Nialler don’t cry.’ Louis said. that’s where I lost it. I sunk to my knees, the tears were streaming down my face. ‘Haz! What’s wrong?’ Louis yelled, he sat in front of my, he couldn’t touch me and that hurts. ‘I lost you.’ I cried. ‘I was never gone babe, I will always be with you. You have to hold on.’ He whispered.  ‘now get up and eat something, you look skinny.’ He smiled. I stood up and walked with Liam, Zayn and Niall to the kitchen. ‘Lou?’ I asked when I saw he wasn’t following us. ‘here babe, i can’t be visible forever.’ He said. ‘fine, but it’s weird to talk to you. I look mental talking to myself.’ I winked at no-one. I heard his laughter. The others all sat down at the table. ‘guess I have to make diner?’ I rolled my eyes and started making some tacos. When I was finished I wanted to sit on the only empty chair. Who wasn’t so empty as I thought. ‘No!’ I heard Louis yell. I jumped back and felt on the ground. ‘oops, sorry. You were going to sit on me babe.’ Louis voice explained. ‘yeah well, I didn’t saw you.’ I rolled my eyes while rubbing my butt. It hurts! ‘I can fix that later babe.’ His seducing voice whispered in my ear. I felt myself getting red. ‘don’t blush Harry.’ Zayn winked. We ate our dinner in silence. ‘I’m bored!’ Louis suddenly yelled causing Liam to drop his plate. ‘Louis!’ he yelled. ‘try to find me Liam!’ I heard the smile in his voice. ‘clean it up Lou!’ he said angry. ‘what?’ I said. ‘you think I can?’ Louis asked. ‘uhm, you can try if you want to.’ Liam said while taking a few steps back to make sure not to touch Louis. ‘yeah, just a second.’ I saw the plate move a little bit. ‘god, this is hard!’ Louis said. ‘c’mon Boo, you can do it.’ Suddenly the plate floated through the kitchen. ‘haha, I was just joking. I can touch everything I want.’ I heard him laugh. Zayn sighed and stood up from his chair. ‘where are you going.’ ‘hide my underwear. Now Louis can touch things and we can’t see him I’m sure there will be things we will never see again.’ Zayn explained and walked out of the kitchen. Niall and Liam gave each other a look before sprinting out of the kitchen. ‘how rude.’ Louis sighed. ‘don’t worry Boo. I can help you with finding their stuff.’ I smiled at the place I thought he stood. ‘gooood! Only 4 hours left and we can touch each other again. I can’t wait Hazza’ ‘neither can I, but it’s going to be weird.’ ‘why?’ ‘well, I’ve never kissed a ghost before.’ I laughed. ‘you can laugh Hazza, but remember that you have to hold on for 1 year. After that I will be back alive and we can marry.’ I smiled at the thought. Oh wait! ‘the ring!’ I yelled. ‘God haz! You scared me!’ ‘Boo, the ring!’ I yelled again. ‘you mean the silver one with ‘Take my hand in it?’ he asked. I nodded violently. ‘nope, never seen before.’ He laughed. I groaned in frustration. ‘Babe, calm down. I have it on.’ My eyes widened. He had it on? On his finger? ‘take that smile of your face, I thought it was beautiful so I decided to put it on.’ ‘Boo, I want to see you.’ I whined, not answering his question. ‘fine!’ ‘Whaaa!’ he screamed suddenly. I jumped back. ‘hah, you had to see your face!’ Louis laughed. He was sitting on the table. He looked georgous. ‘God you look hot’ I said before thinking. ‘well thanks, but you’ll have to wait till tonight to get some of this.’ He pointed at himself while smirking. ‘can’t wait Boo.’ I winked. Let’s go for a walk?’ I asked him. ‘yeah sure; let’s go so we can let the people see that I’m not dead.’ He rolled his eyes. I sighted. ‘don’t worry babe, I will be able to walk with you someday only not today.’ He smiled while jumping of the table. ‘now, let’s find something to make the time go faster.’ He said. ‘fine, what do you want?’ ‘scare the boys!’ he yelled while he ran to the bathroom. ‘Lou don’t-‘ I warned but I was too late. He was a ghost so he could just walk trough wall and stuff. He walked through the bathroom door. I sighed. ‘4-3-2-‘ ‘Aaah!’ Zayn yelled. ‘Get the fuck out of here Tomlinson!’ he yelled again. Louis ran out of the bathroom with a huge grin on his face. ‘I always wanted to do that. And believe me, he lied to us about the length of his d-‘ ‘yeah I don’t want to know about his willy Boo.’ I cut him off. ‘you’re only interested in mine, aren’t you hazza?’ Louis said seducing.  ‘yeah of course Louis’ I rolled me eyes. ‘another 3hours to waist.’ He sighed. ‘ooh let’s watch some tv!’ he yelled while he ran to the couch and jumped on it. I sat a few inches away from him. ‘I don’t like this.’ He whined. ‘then change the channel Boo.’ I smiled at him. ‘no, I mean this. I want to cuddle with you. I’ve missed you so much.’ Tears were forming in his eyes. ‘don’t cry Boo. I will make it up to you tonight. I promise’ I winked at him. he smiled and turned his head to watch the telly. After about 3 hours he suddenly jumped up. ‘it’s time’ he yelled with a grin on his face. ‘for wh- Oooh yeah.’ I mentally slapped myself. ‘okay Haz. 10-9-‘ he started counting and I soon joined him. ‘8-7-6-5-4-3-2-‘ we heard the bells of the church ringing. ‘finally, we can-‘ I cut Louis of by smashing my lips on his. he groaned loudly. My hands found his waist while his were in my hair. God I missed his touch so much. We both pulled back. ‘I’ve missed you so hard!’ he whipped the tears of my face, I didn’t even knew I was crying. ‘I love you Louis!’ I kissed him back. ‘I *kiss* Love *kiss* you *kiss* to *kiss’ he said while I kissed him. ‘let’s go upstairs.’ He whispered In my ears before nibbling on it. I groaned and picked him up so he could tangle his legs around my waist. ‘Hurry’ he whined when I stumbled on the stairs. ‘sorry my queen, but for being a ghost, you’re still heavy.’ I smiled when he rolled his eyes.

‘let me help you’ a voice suddenly said. it was Niall. ‘ not to loud, Liam is asleep.’ he winked before opening our bedroom door and disappeared back to his room. ‘well, that was awkward.’ Louis blushed while I closed the door with my foot. I throw him on the bed and locked the door. ‘someone’s eage-‘ I cut him off by smashing my lips on his. ‘never mind’ he said against my lips. We snogged for a few minutes before things got really heated. ‘off’ I ordered him. he nodded and took his shirt and pants of while I did the same. I was about to have sex with a ghost…..

*dirty :D* I’m sorry but I can’t read or write a story without some Goooood Larry smut… Sorry if it’s bad :’(

‘those abs..’ I whispered while I followed this abs with my fingers, I felt him shiver underneath me. ‘god Hazza, don’t be a teas on the first night’ he groaned. ‘fine.’ I smiled before pressing thousands of kisses on his body and his neck. I left a few love bites when I found his soft spot. He was a moaning mess under me. ‘please.’ He whined. I smiled before stripping his boxers off and mine to. he pushed his member against mine. I let out a loud moan. ‘Please’ he begged again.  I nodded and without a warning I took his member in my hands. ‘oh god!’ he moaned. I started rubbing it. ‘ooh god Haz. I’m close.’ I immediately stopped and he whined loud.  ‘turn around.’ I ordered. He did what I asked him to do and he sat on his hands and knees. ‘just a sec.’ I said before grabbing the lube and a condom. When I was ready I pushed m first finger inside. He moaned again. ‘more.’ He whispered not trusting his own voice. I pushed a second finger inside. I started scissoring. ‘haz, please.’ He begged. I took my finger out of him. ‘are you sure?’ I asked him before pushing my member full inside him. he groaned. ‘Boo?’ I asked when he didn’t move. ‘move’ he ordered and without a second thought I started moving. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper. I missed having sex with him I really did. ‘ooh God Harry!’ he moaned. I put my hands on his waist, I could feel the sweat all over his body, ‘I didn’t knew ghosts could sweat’ I said. ‘shut up and go faster’ he moaned. I laughed but did what he said. ‘almost-‘ he got cut off by himself Cumming. Soon I followed. He felt flat on his stomach. I laid beside him. ‘soo good.’ I moaned.

*end of dirty scene* I’m so sorry it was really bad I know but I had to make it fast my mum was checking me :D

He smiled at me and laid his head on my chest. ‘how much time do we have?’ he asked. ‘another 5 hours Babe.’ I smiled at him. ‘let’s go outside. Skinny dipping in the pool. I’ve always wanted to do that.’ He suggested. I smiled at his weird idea. We went downstairs with only a towel around our waists. We both jumped in the water after throwing the towels on the seats. ‘I love you’ I whispered against his wet skin. He was sparkling, he was so Hot!. ‘I love you to.’ only one year Hazza, then we can be together forever.’ He smiled. ‘and always.’ I kissed him softly, a kiss full of love, passion and more love…..

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