chapter 10

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Hii there! i'm soo sorry for updating so late :( i'm really busy so please understand it... i really love this chapter :D x i hope you do to, please don't be afraid to comment, vote or fan. i would be so happyy if you did that. :D xx

welll enough of rambling, enjoy this chapter xx

Chapter 10


He didn’t answer right away so I started to worry, I don’t think this was a very good idea. I should’ve wait, but no I always rush into things! Now he’s going to hate me and things will get awkward between us. He’s going to dump me and I will be forever alone. Okay I know I’m over reacting, but this hurts. ‘Haz?’ a gentle voice said. ‘Huh? Oh sorry! What did you say?’ I aksed him still sitting on one knee. ‘I said Yes, Harry.’ I took me a second before realizing what he was talking about. I took hand in mine and shoved the ring around his finger. ‘thanks’ he whispered. I felt something wet hit my cheek so I looked up to see Louis crying and smiling at the same time. I got off the ground and pulled Louis close to me. ‘I love you’ I pressed my lips against his and we shared a passionate kiss. When I was out of breath I had no choice but pull away. ‘I love you to’ he whispered. I whipped the tears of his cheeks and took his hand in mine. We walked to the living room. ‘let’s watch a movie babe.’ I said. He nodded, I think he was still in shock. ‘which one?’ he shrugged his shoulders. ‘babe?’ I asked. ‘I really love you Haz, I really do’ oh God there’s going to be a but. ‘but- I don’t want you to marry someone who could die in less than two weeks.’ I was shocked at what he just said. Tears were streaming down his face. ‘Lou, babe. Listen to me! You’re not going to die! I will marry you, and we will get children and live happy ever after! Understand!’ I shook his shoulders to make sure he was listening. 

He just nodded his head. ‘no nodding, you have to understand it Louis. I can’t live without you!’ I whispered the last part and felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes. ‘I do’ he said softly. ‘Soo guys are yo-‘ someone yelled behind us. It was Liam. ‘oh please don’t say he said No!’ he almost yelled. ‘don’t worry he said yes’ I smiled at him. ‘ I fucking knew it! Congrets!’ he yelled an wrapped us into a big Liam hug. ‘I need to pee’ Louis whined suddenly. We all burst out into a fit of laughter. ‘don’t laugh! It’s not funny.’ He faked gasped. ‘than go Babe, if you do it here I’m not going to be the one who cleans it up’ I said seriously. ‘of course not, that would be Liam, because he don’t want to let me go.’ He said while trying to get out of the hug. ‘oh, sorry’ Liam blushed. Louis just laughed and ran to the toilet almost tripping over the carpet. ‘weird boy, but so cute.’ I said to myself. ‘if you say so’ Liam answered. I scoffed and sat down on the couch. ‘harry? Why were you guys crying? I mean if he said yes you didn’t had to cry so I thought he said no’ he explained. I nodded in understatement. ‘I know Li, but he said that he didn’t want to marry me because if he dies he wants me to move on. But I can’t move on without my heart.’ ‘I know, and you don’t have to. Louis is strong and extremely brave. He will survive this and gets stronger.’ He said with a soft smile. I knew he was comforting himself to, he doesn’t know what’s going to happen so he just kept telling us this kind of stuff. But I knew he was unsure of it as much as we were.

‘Soooo, what did he say’ Niall screamed when he and Zayn rushed through the door. I laughed when he tripped and felt in front of me. ‘tell me.’ He said while grabbing my legs. ‘Niall. Stop!’ I tried to push him away but it didn’t worked. ‘I said yes’ Louis suddenly said. I did a little jump cause I didn’t knew he was behind me. Niall yelled like a little girl. ‘I knew it’’ Zayn said casual like it was a daily thing. ‘yeah right, okay ssoooooo when are you doing it?’ ‘doing what?’ I said bluntly. ‘god Harry, you’re so stupid sometimes’ Niall whined. ‘am not!’ ‘yes babe, you sometimes are.’ Louis whispered in my ears what send shivers down mine spine. ‘well thank you so much husband’ I rolled my eyes at him, pretending I was mad. ‘noow Hazza, don’t be mad at your fiancé. Niall ment a date. A date for our marriage.’ He explained softly like I was a child. ‘oow okay, you’re were right, I’m stupid.’ ‘yeah, but that’s why we love you. Now say a date’ Niall huffed.

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