chapter four

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hii there!! how's everyone? i'm sorry for this chappie it kind of sucks....

i'm really happy to write some Larry stuff, it makes me feel good you know :D i can make them to whatever i want them to do *mhuahuaahuaaa*..anyway back to the story i guess... i hope you like it, and if you do please comment, vote or even fan maybe if you want to?? it would mean the world to me!!

oh and about the picture on the side, well it has nothing to do with the chapter but i just LOVE it :D it's like they're both secret agents and they are secretly in love....haha i'm sorry i'm rambling again..Off to the story then...

well Enjoy the new chapter, i promise i will update soon if you want to :D xx ENJOY Loviieeesss xxxx

Chapter four


*back at home*

‘you need to rest Boo.’ I gently pushed Louis on the couch, he had to sleep. ‘Haz, stop it! I’m not tired. I know you’re worried but I’m fine.’ He really is a stubborn little men. ‘okay, then watch a movie or something, but you’re not going to move a muscle when I’m not here.’ I said while sitting next to him on the couch. He just sighed.  ‘I don’t like you right now’ he said. ‘I know Boo, but I can’t lose you!  we have to wait, and I will never leave your side. Whether you like it or not.’ He gave me a soft kiss and nestled his head in my neck. ‘fine, hazza. Whatever you want.’ Is all what he said before drifting into a deep sleep.

I watched him while he laid in my arms. Questions were running through my head. What if he dies? What will I do? What if he doesn’t die? Will he end up right or will he be sick forever?... I didn’t realise I was crying until I saw something shiny on Louis cheek. It were my tears who were dripping on him. I quickly brushed the tears away. He slowly opened his eyes. ‘Haz, why are you brushing my face?’ he asked with a grin. ‘i..euhm..i was just…’ he started laughing. ‘you’re a weird one Hazza, but that’s why I love you so much.’ He said while kissing my cheek. When he looked at my face his smile dropped immediately of his face. Worry was now all over it. ‘babe? Why are you crying?’ he asked softly. I started crying again, I couldn’t help it. ‘i-i-I can’t lose you Boo’ I yelled. He jumped a little but soon he had his arms around me. ‘you’re not gonna lose me! That this will beep, okay?’ he said seriously. I didn’t believe him but I just nodded. ‘now, I’m hugry! Let’s eat!’ he jumped of the couch and ran toward the kitchen. I sighed, why is he so happy? He’s the one who’s dying! Suddenly I heard a very loud Bang in the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen only to find Louis sitting on the floor. Tears were streaming down his face and pots and pans were around him. he was hugging his knees. ‘Louis! Are you okay’ I asked when I sat next to him. he immediately hugged me, ‘I don’t want to die! I’m too young’ he was sobbing into my arms. I knew it, I knew that he couldn’t keep that smile for long.

‘it’s going to be alright Boo! I promise you!’ I whispered softly into his ears. ‘if I die- let me finish haz’ he said when I wanted to interrupt him. ‘IF I die, promise me you will go on with your life!’ he said with a serious tone. How in the world could I promise that. If he dies I die to, simple as that. I’m not going the live without him! ‘yes Boo, I promise.’ I said with a small smile on my face. I think he knew I was lying cause he just shook his head. He murmured Thanks before he stood up and went over to the fridge. ‘can you make me something haz?’ he asked with a little pout which mate him irresistible.  ‘of course boo, what do you want?’ ‘anything, I’m just really hungry.’ He smiled when I started to make him a taco.

When he was finished he excused himself and went upstairs. I decided to call Simon, I needed to know what we could do with Louis. I dialled his number. He picked up after a few seconds ‘hello?’ ‘Hi Simon, it’s me Harry’ I said. ‘well, hello Harry, what’s wrong’ how did he knew something was wrong? I shrugged it off, he’s Simon after all. ‘well, we have a problem with Louis’ ‘what did he do now?’ he asked with annoyance in his voice. ‘well nothing, he’s sick Simon, very sick. He..He can die Simon.’ I whispered. I felt the fresh tears sting in the corners of my eyes. ‘what do you mean?’ he asked worried. ‘He has a weak heart, if he doesn’t get a new one in a month he…he dies’ is said, the tears were streaming down my face. Simon was quiet for a few minutes. ‘I’m gonna think of something to do Harry, make sure Louis doesn’t get sick or get in trouble. Take care of him. I’ll call you if I have a solution for him. thanks for letting me know Harry.’ He finally spoke. Without saying anything back I closed my phone. I went upstairs to see what Louis was doing.

‘Lou? Babe? Where are you?’ I yelled. He didn’t answered so I got worried. I opened our bedroom door. I sighed in relief, he was laying o the bed all curled up with the cheats pulled over his head. Aww his way to adorable. I tip toed to the bed and softly laid next to him. he immediately rolled over and laid his head on my chest. I putted my hand on his back and pushed him closer to me. ‘I love you’ I whispered in his ears and pressed a kiss against his temple. ‘too’ he groaned. Oops did I wake him up? Oh well he was asleep no… I closed my eyes and sleep took  control over my body.


We were performing on stage. Louis had to sing his part but he used no words. He tried to sing but the words were stuck in his throat. ‘Louis!’ I yelled when he reached for his heart and collapsed on the floor. I ran and I felt next to him on my knees. ‘Lou, please! Breath!’ I yelled. He was crying and gasping for air. ‘H-Haz..H-help.’ He whispered. I didn’t knew what to do, I looked at the boys who were just standing around us. ‘Help him!’ I yelled to Zay, bus he just shook his head. I looked at Niall, ‘I’m sorry harry’ he said. What? Why was he sorry? He needed to call someone not saying he was sorry! I looked desperately at Liam. ‘it’s too late, let him go Harry’ he said. I looked at him with wide eyes. My gaze went off to Louis. ‘C’mon Lou, breath for my babe.’ I begged him. tears were streaming down his face and I tried to whip them off, but there were to many of them. He started to choke, his lips were turning a shade of purple and bleu. ‘Louis, fucking Breath Asshole!’ I was getting so angry at him, he just needed to breath! Why can’t he just breath. ‘i-I L…love y-you’ he choked out before closing his eyes. ‘hell no! Louis, you can’t leave me!’ I yelled at him but he didn’t respond. I started to shake him violently. ‘you can’t die here Louis!’ I felt 2 pairs of arms around my body they started to pull me away from Louis. ‘No! let me go!’ I yelled. I started to kick and punch but they didn’t let me go. A saw some people putting Louis body in a white bag. Oh no, not that white bag.  They closed the zipper and he was gone, Louis was gone. The pair of arms were gone and I let myself fell on the floor. I was crying. ‘Louis! Come back’ I yelled. ‘Haz?” huh, what was that? ‘haz? Babe wake up!’ I looked around me but everything was gone. ‘Harry!’ he yelled again.

*end of dream*¨

My eyes shot open, ‘oh god Haz, finally!’ Louis said while hugging me tight. I hugged him back. ‘Louis! You can’t die!’ ‘I know hazza, and I won’t die! I promise!’ he said while brushing some curls out of my face. ‘I love you Louis Tomlinson!’ I said before I kissed him passionately. He kissed me back. I rolled us over so he was laying underneath me. I let my lips trail down his neck. He started to groan when I found his weak spot. ‘hhm…Haz please’ he begged. I wanted to tease him. ‘stop teasing me’ I laughed. ‘I can’t, I like teasing you Boo.’ He had a cheeky grin on his face. Before I could protest he rolled us over so he was on top. ‘fine, if that’s what you want.’ He said before putting his lips on my chest. He started sucking and nibbling on my nipples. I felt myself getting hard. ‘Lou..’ I moaned loud. He chuckled. And suddenly his lips were gone. I opened my eyes. He stood at the end of the bed with the biggest grin on his face I’ve ever seen. ‘Louis, you can’t do this to me!’ I begged. He just chuckled. ‘watch me Hazza’ and with that he walked out of the room. Swaying his butt way to hard. I groaned ‘TEASER!’ I yelled after him. I heard his laughter. ‘Watch it Styles or you won’t get some tonight!’ he yelled back. I groaned louder and went to the bathroom. I needed to solve my problem with something.

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