chapter 7

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Hi there!! how are you people? i'm sorry for not updating sooner but i had to much homework :(  i hope you like this chapter it's nothing special though but i promise in the next chapters it will all get better or not... do you want Louis to die? or not?

thanks to all my readers i really love you all! i'm so happy that people actually read my story, i know it's not good bit still i'm happy!! xx

Thanks again!!


Chapter 7

-Louis pov-

I woke up in Harry’s strong arms. I looked around the room, harry forgot to close the curtains so I could look outside. As for what I could see it was huge. There was a large swimming pool, swings (I don’t know why they were there..) and so much flowers. We had a tv in the room so I decided I could watch the telly while I laid in Harry’s embrace. I reached for the remote which laid on the nightstand.  Harry groaned for a second but after that he was snoring again. He looked so hot and cute when he slept. I turned on the tv, but I almost felt of the bed when the black screen turned into an animal. The sound was way to loud I bet the neighbors could hear it to. ‘Lou? What are you doing?’ Harry asked. I looked at him with a sneaky smile. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t want to wake you up babe.’ I said before kissing him. He moaned when I slept my tongue into his mouth. We snogged for a few minutes when I suddenly felt something sting in my chest. ‘Lou? Are you okay?’ Harry asked when I placed my hands on my heart. ‘i-i..AUW’ I screamed. What was happening? It hurt so much. ‘Babe! Breath!’ harry screamed, tears were falling down his cheeks. ‘i-I can’t’ I was choking. I couldn’t fucking breath, I needed air. ‘Fuck Louis! Fucking breath!’ harry screamed. He pushed me on the floor so I laid on my back. My sight was getting blurry. ‘Don’t you dare to die!’ Harry screamed. He started to give me CPR when I felt myself falling into darkness.

-Harry’s pov-

I pushed him on the floor, on his back. He can’t die! ‘don’t you dare to die!’ I screamed when I saw his eyes falling close. ‘No! Louis!’ I screamed still giving him CPR. ‘what’s wr-‘ Liam stood frozen in the doorway. The other boys rushed in but froze next to Liam. ‘Fuck you Tomlinson! Breath!’ tears were streaming violently down my cheeks. ‘oh god, please no..’ I heard Niall whisper. ‘No..YOU CAN’T DIE! I screamed. Suddenly Louis gasped for air. ‘LOUIS!’ ‘Thank god you’re alive!’ I took him in my arms, I couldn’t let him go. I almost lost him! I started crying harder. ‘Haz, i-I’m sorry.’ He cried. The other lads were crying to but didn’t dare to move. ‘don’t you dare to ever do that to me again!’ I whispered/yelled into  his ear. ‘I love you’ he sighed. ‘I love you to Boo. Forever and always mine.’ I whispered while kissing his temple. ‘I’m hungry’ he suddenly whined and stood up. I looked at him with a shocked expression. Niall, Liam and Zayn are staring at him with wide eyes. ‘what?...What’s wrong….Stop staring!’ Louis said while he started to blush. ‘you just fucking died Louis! And you want to eat something?’ Liam said. Wow, this was the first time I’ve ever heard Liam swearing. ‘well, yeah? A human needs food’ he said while walking out of the bedroom. There’s was only one person who could die and after that think of food, I thought it would be Niall but I guess I’m wrong. ‘wait Lou! Make some for me to.’ Niall yelled while running downstairs. ‘Haz, you okay?’ Zayn asked whil reaching out his hand for me to take it. I grabbed it and stood up. ‘I never want to do that again’ I whispered still I shock after what I had to do with my boyfriend. ‘yeah, I understand.’ ‘I don’t think you do, but thanks’. I walked out of the room getting a tap on the shoulder from Liam. He smiled gently at me. ‘well done, you saved him.’ He whispered. I smiled at him before going downstairs where I found Niall and Louis In an argument. ‘there has to be carrots in it!’ Louis screamed at niall. ‘No Louis, you don’t eat carrots with pancakes!’ niall said calm. I burst out in laughter. ‘what’s so funny?’ Louis asked. ‘Lou, babe. I love you so much really I do, but Niall is right.’ ‘I love you to sweetheart, but he isn’t’ he smiled at me. I knew I couldn’t win a fight with him so I just nodded. ‘fine eat pancakes with carrots weirdo’ Niall chuckled. ‘I’m not a weirdo. I’m not the one who peed in the bathtub’ Louis said with a smile. Wait..What. ‘I had to go! It was an emergency.’ Niall blushed. ‘the toilet was right next to you little dirty Irish boy.’ I looked at Niall with wide eyes. ‘don’t look at me like that! You pooped in the bushes.’ ‘yeah, I was drunk, I do weird stuff when I’m drunk I know that. But you peed into a bathtub where we take a bath..’ I said seriously. Louis burst out into a fit of laughter. I was getting worried when he placed his hands on his heart again. I wasn’t ready to give him CPR again. ‘Babe, be careful with your heart. Please’ I begged him. There was a silence in the room when Louis ran to me, he threw his hands around my waist. ‘I’m really sorry Harry. Thanks for saving my life’ he said while he buried his head into my chest. I placed a hand underneath his chin and started to kiss him. He started moaning. ‘i..uhm…yeah okay.’ Niall said before I heard him walking out of the kitchen. I pulled away after a few minutes of just me snogging him. It felt good to do this sometimes. I missed it so much. ‘Haz; I have to pee, be right back’ he said while jumping to the toilet. I laughed and walked to the living room.  ‘hi Hazza, you had fun in the kitchen?’ Niall asked with a cheeky grin. ‘first Niall, don’t call me Hazza, only Boo can call me that and second you bet we had fun it was like having sex in a-‘ ‘yeah, yeah I understand. I don’t want the details.’ He said while making a gag face. ‘he’s looking better’ Zayn said honestly. ‘yeah, I agree. I think he’s going to make it Harry.’ Liam said wsith a huge grin on his face. I just smiled and nodded. To be honest I wasn’t really sure about that. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want him to die! But the lad just haven’t seen him at night. How he can’t fall asleep, how he can’t catch his breath. Sometimes he wakes up yelling and gasping for air. They haven’t seen him as white as a dead body. He cries himself asleep, every single night. Praying that he would wake up the next morning. He would kiss me and say that he loved me and that I had to move on if he died. I never answered that I just would give him a kiss and waited for him to fall asleep.

‘Harry!’ Liam yelled at me while waving his hands before my eyes. ‘huh? What?’ I asked him. ‘why are you crying?’ I didn’t even realize I was. ‘oh, it’s nothing. Really, just let it go lads.’ I whipped the tears of my face. ‘don’t worry, he will be alright’ Zayn whispered In my ear before he went to the kitchen.

Minutes went by and Louis still wasn’t back. ‘okay I’m going to check on him.’ I said while jumping of the couch. ‘wait, I’m coming with you’ Liam said, Niall followed us like a lost puppy. ‘Babe,’ I yelled through the bathroom door, no answer. The door wasn’t locked so I pushed it open. He wasn’t even in here! I started to panic. ‘Louis?!’ I yelled again. He didn’t answer. I ran to the bedroom where I finally found him, laying on the floor. ‘Louis!’ I yelled befor I ran to him and fell on my knees beside him. I was ready to give him CPR when he suddenly jumped up. ‘why the hell are you yelling at me?’ he asked. ‘I was just sleeping Hazza. You don’t have to worry all the time.’ ‘But Lou, why were you laying on the floor.’ I asked him. ‘I was comfortable?’ he asked. ‘Louis, tell the truth.’ ‘okay, I felt on my ass and was too tired to get up so I felt asleep on the floor.’ he said while turning red like a tomato. ‘are you fu-‘  Zayn started but I cut him off. ‘aww, Babe! That’s adorable. Come lazy bones, let’s get you in bed.’ I said while picking him up from the ground and I gently laid him onto the bed. ‘lay with me.’ He said. So I did, I loved to lay next to him and just cuddle. ‘I love you Louis William Tomlinson. And I promise I will marry you someday’’ I said grinning. ‘really? Why not now?’ he asked, but he there was no sound of joke in his voice. Whoa, he really wanted to marry him? Well maybe I could think about it…

Soooo...Do you want a Larry mariage or not??? please tell me so i can start writing it x

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