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Mal's POV:
No.. No no no... This cant be i-

I pushed meth away and gladly I managed to push him and ran to the house and just barged in and saw everyone staring at me like I did something and I did something wrong.. But it's all an misunderstanding!

"Look it's only an misunderstanding i-" but before I can say anything philia throw an vase at me..!

Gladly it missed me an inch! Then philia started shouting at me that I'm an cheater..

No.. No one can defend me now... Everyone is against me... But it's all an miss understanding!

I ran to my room and shut the door lock. Tears start to fall down my cheeks... Why does this need to happen to me....?

Hours passed by.... I'm still in my room Sepicaly me and indo's room..
I packed my bags and were my hoodie... I'm going to leave this place but.. How do I go out without getting caught..? Then it hits me!

The window!

But.. I could get hurt.. But... I can tie my blanket into the window...

I tied my blanket in the window packed my bags and escapeced from the window.

I ran. I just ran and didn't stop. I'm going to uncle
Britain and stay there.

When I was just running, rain started to pour. "Great! Just great" I mumbled and when I reached uncle's house I rang the door bell.

When it opened I saw mrs. France! And she look shock to see me too...

A/n:I'm sorry if it took so long to update this but I was just emotionally unstable so yeah. Hope you enjoy this!

The tiring life of mal's. (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now