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Mal's pov:

I woke up in a dark room.. it was very cold in here.. and I can't move properly.. where am I..? I don't remember.. what happened..

I look around, and found nothing. there's no windows in here.. there's a door but.. it's lock.. I tried to open the door but.. I can't open it..

I guess it's locked outside.

I looked around again, there's only one bed with a fire place. I walked up to the fire place and sat down in the cold floor..

I saw a blanket in the corner if my eye. I crawl to grab it and wrapped myself around the blanket. it's so warm..

I snuggled in the blanket as I look at the fire.. the fire looks beautiful..

I heard the door creek open, I turned my head to the door to see a man who looks like my age, his face was covered with his bangs.. I can't see him properly since he is wearing a mask and a hood too.

"h-hello..? who are you and where am i?" I said calmly, to be honest I don't have the energy to panic at all, I kinda feel empty..

"you'll know eventually~ I'm just very glad that you're ok and your mine now.." he said with a chickle

my eyes widened. I'm his now..? what does he mean? I thought. I don't even know this guy and now his saying I'm his..? what a jerk!

since I don't wanna get hurt I just nodded quietly as I turn to the fireplace again. it was quite.. I heard the door closes as the man sit besides me..

"how are you Malaysia?" he asked. how did he know my name?

"I'm fine I guess.. I couldn't remember anything before I woke up in this place.. " I said as I look at his face.

my eyes locked in his eyes.. the left side was yellow and the right side is red..

"glad to know. don't worry, I'll protect you and won't hurt you ever again. I'll take are of you now." protect me..? never hurt me again..? who is this man to say this to me? I nodded as I look at the fire again.

"what do you mean you'll never hurt me ever again..?" I asked.

"I mean...

I would never hurt you again.

I would never hurt your feelings again.

I will not and will never hurt you physically and emotionally ever again.

I would love you to bits.

I'm sorry for being so.. selfish, rude and hurting you at the past.

I love you."

he said, my eyes widened as I look at him with a shock face. he avoid eye contact. my eyes widen as I lay in his shoulder.

"I may not know who you are but..

thank you."

a/n: yey! a new chapter is done! it's very short.. I'm sorry if I made you guys wait for so long and giving you small chapters but.. here's some fluff!! I'll be changing the title to "The tiring life of Malaysia's." since it will not always be angst.

bye bye and good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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