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"Isn't he that hidden child from the Sheridan family?"

"I, for sure am not going to interact with that child. I have heard from the others that he was born from a curse."

"That must explain everything when they introduced him a someone who would surpass our duke someday."

"How is he still living with them?"

"I'd rather they kill him."

Whispers from left and right, Azazel felt his ears twitch while his eyes only focused on his wine. It was a pain when he continued to listen those nonsense from their little mouths when they only know nothing about him.

He knew it was a bad idea to announce his existence in the world.

I'd rather they kill him.

Those words stung much more than a bee.

Azazel never wished to live a life like this nor he chose it. He just simply followed and obey. And what did it took him? Nothing, nothing only but fear and inequality. As what he thought, it was a waste of time for him to show himself to the public.

"What if, he was behind the..."

"That's enough!"

And the main character, Marah saves the day.

     That's what ended in the book when Azazel showed himself to the public with the support of his sibling.

     But now, standing right in the middle is the Azazel you all know today. Introducing himself confidently, with not a single hesitance shown in his eyes. This time, I won't let my character get trashed by many people.

     I won't let myself be the damsel in distress being saved by the main character because as long as I live, this stage will be my puppet under my strings.

     Now, what will these people around me say?

     "You have stolen our spotlight!" Agatha wailed as she approached me with such anger. I shrugged, continuing to pick up some food at the table. "Look!" Agatha still kept on talking. "All words they spat out are all about you when it is not even your birthday."

     "And for the first time in my life, I agree with Agatha," Arwen replied with a sigh, appearing behind me to take a bite of my food.

     And as Agatha was about to add more, she paused, noticing something about me. She pushed Arwen away and moved closer to my ear to lift up the feather of my earring, yes, the earring they gave to me last time.

     "You wore them..." Agatha whispered, his voice filled with surprise and delight. She then took Arwen's arm to stand close to her to see and he was surprised also. Okay, why are they all looking so surprised about me wearing a gift they gave?

     I waited for them to admire them for a moment and moved away with a scoff. "It is a gift and it is an accessory, of course I would be wearing it," I replied with an excuse. It is better than telling them the truth or their ego would spike up. "Is there something wrong about it?" I gave them an innocent look.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now