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I lay my head low. Victor was standing in front of me with the notebook in his hand, I can feel his gaze burning through my head. I let out a sigh, shrugging to lose the tension on my body and lifted my head to meet Victor's eyes. I felt nervous, I know that there would be this moment where I would end up telling everything to someone. I just never expected for it to be Victor to be the first one to find out about the notebook. That's what making me nervous. Victor has trusted me as his brother ever since, he treated me as family, he took care of me like an older sibling would do to his younger sibling. He has helped me a lot, because he trusted me as much as he trusted Marah and the twins. And the fact that he would found out that I am not what he thinks I am made him lose all that trust. I know that.

I know that Victor is doubting me right now.

The notebook was everything that one could find. There is no point lying in front of Victor, I would only gain more suspicion. All I could do was to pray and hope that things would be alright after this.

I blinked when Victor handed me back my notebook. I stared at him with a frown, confused. Victor sighed, noticing my reaction, tilting his head as he shoved back the notebook to me, making me fumble to catch it. "... I..." He spoke up. This time, he was the one to looks away, breaking the eye-contact. "I read everything after I visited father..." He continued. "I... I don't know what to react... everything happened in front of me in just a flash that I don't know what to do..."

I stared at Victor, then I looked down staring at the notebook. I closed my eyes shut, shaking my head and I held the notebook tightly, dropping it. Things shouldn't have happened this way. I had the fate of the world in my hands, I know it like that back of my hand, yet I did not predicted when I would be put into a corner where I have to face the outcome of my secret being found out. What was the use to knowing everything when everything would unravel and scatter all over the place where I can't even pick them all up to put them back together. I feel powerless. I have the knowledge on how to twist fate yet I only used it for the good of myself, not thinking about the people around me.

I used to not care. I used to care for myself. Not to get attached. Not get hurt all over again. A hundred times I tell myself that, but everything were just all in vain. And when I realized it, I was too late. The father that only treated me as his child had gone and left me, the brother that I needed the most felt stuck because of my stupid decision, my other siblings also got hurt because I was too late to save our father. Because of me. It is all because of me.

Would it be better if I hadn't interfered at all? 

Victor haven't uttered a word. I look back up to him, he was avoiding my gaze. I could not see the glint in his eyes anymore. I hesitated for a moment, sucking a breath. And I let go.

"You," Victor met my eyes. "You asked me if I was Azazel that time when you find out everything about the notebook..." A pause. He waited for me to continue. I began to play with the notebook to distract myself from overthinking. "I am not going to make excuses. I am not going to say that I have the ability to see the future. I am not going to say that this is from an old sorcerer who just gave me this notebook of prophecy. I am not going to say anything that is a lie." I could see in Victor's eyes, begging me to tell him a lie. It was as clear as day and he didn't even bother to hide it from me. "... So please... no matter what I will say... please believe me."

No response.

I took that as his yes and I nodded.

"I'm not from here."




I couldn't remember what was Victor's reaction when I told him everything. How I entered in this world, where I came from and how I have the notebook. Days had passed and Victor didn't dare to visit me nor see me around. I only have Marah, Arwen and Agatha as my company during the days of preparing our father's funeral. What worries me the most is that Victor was forced to do all the work that our father left while also helping the duchess with the funeral. Plus what I told him, I doubt that he had a good sleep during the night.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now