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An hour passed by that felt like months, I sat up, scrunching my face as I felt the dry tears making a sticky feeling on my skin. I took a deep breath, my hands still never left my father's hand, holding it tightly. I stared at his face for a moment before I let go of his hand to wipe off the tears from his face.

"I'll find someone who did this to you..." I muttered under my breath. I stood up, showing a sad smile even though I knew no one could see it. "You said you had a lot to tell me... How could you leave without even finishing it... Stupid old man."

Silence. No one listens. It was only me in the room.

I blinked my tears away, shaking my head. There was nothing in my mind but hopes for my father to be reunited with my mother. Now happy and loved. My chest felt heavy after everything that was revealed to me. Yet I couldn't tell what I am feeling right now.

I looked down on his hand. The warmth was gone.

He was gone.

I planned to stay for a bit longer but then I heard footsteps from outside which I immediately hid through the use of magic for them to not see me. I stayed invisible standing at the edge of the bed, waiting to see who was going in. And as the door slid open, showed the duchess who was in a state of panic with a doctor with her. She paused when she saw my father not moving on the bed and rushed to his side to realize that he had died.


My siblings must have heard the duchess when she suddenly cried in agony as she hugged my father's body, my other siblings cried with her as soon as they heard the news. My heart ached to see them breaking apart to see that our father had passed. They rushed to the duchess side, except Victor. He was not with them.

I read that Victor was supposed to come in with the other siblings. Why is he not here?

I gave the family one last glance before I left to find Victor. Though, I thought that it would take me some time to find him, I saw him in my room with a notebook in hand, his face darkened as he read the notes inside.

I froze on my spot when I realized whose notebook that he was holding. My eyes widened. It would have been normal for me if that notebook was just a bunch of notes that I wrote from school but that wasn't it. It was the notebook where I wrote down the plot of the story. The story of Marah. Of this world.

Now exposed in front of Victor's eyes. A character in the story.

"Victor..." I uttered, pulling Victor out of his thoughts to see me at the door of my room, surprised. He immediately closed the notebook and put it down but never back on the drawer where I hid it. He held it tightly with his hand, never thinking of putting it away. He did not bother hiding it from me and let it be seen.

"... Zel..." He muttered, his voice laced with mixed emotions. Emotions that I couldn't comprehend.

The aura in the room was eerie.

"Why are you holding that notebook...?" I questioned, pointing at my possession, my eyes never left it. "That's mine, why is that on your hand?" I tried to find a reason. Reason that Victor would forget about this. The fact that I.

I do not belong in this world.


Suddenly, Victor let out a scoff, his face showed an image of disbelief. "Do you really have to ask me that..?" He said, raising the notebook as if it was tempting me. "How about you let me ask you, what is this, Azazel..?" I badly want to take it away from his hands. I wanted to put magic on him so that this never happened.

But why couldn't I move?

I paused, almost taking a step close until he let out that question. The only thing that I am afraid to answer.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now