Ch.2 || time

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The halls are full of students, Fukawa walks to the library to work on her homework.
Even more, kids are in the library. As Toko turns the corner bookshelf, Komaru, who is standing on a table, is reading something.
After a moment of listening, Toko realizes it was her story, the bazaar scenarios. She tries to brush it off, but as the story continues, Komaru changes the wordplay to make it more.... graphic.
Fukawa ignores it but then she mentions the name Fukawa in the story.
The room is filled with laughter.
Toko goes red, and runs back into the hall, praying not to see Togami.
But there he was, leaning against a locker.

"Well? You're as bright as a tomato, what the hell happened?" He asks.
Fukawa was shocked he cared.
"K-Komaru w-was r-reading m-my st-stories I-in th-the library a-and sh-she s-said m-my na-name," Toko says between small gasps.

"Interesting," he responds. "I suppose I shall help you, you seem very distressed." Togami starts walking away.

Togami? Help Fukawa? That's strange.

As they walk to the tables in the library, Toko's phone starts buzzing. She grabs it out of her bag, her eyes get wide.

"Oh, s-shit! Th-this c-can't b-b-be happening!" She closes her eyes, to hide her tears.
Byakuya grabs the phone out of her hand and looks at it.

"Oh shit is right, these people have a lot to say about you." Byakuya scrolls along the page.
Toko slumps down to the floor and starts crying. As Togami watches her, he feels something.

Was that feeling...

No that can't be it.
It's a feeling in his stomach.

"Control your emotions, I'm not helping you with your stupid plan if you can't keep your shit together." Byakuya rolls his eyes. "Get off your ass and start planning."
Toko quickly wipes her eyes and stands up.

"W-what I-If w-we w-write s-some l-lovey d-duvy s-shit ab-about k-Komaru r-romanticizing he-her b-brother? W-we c-can p-print c-copies a-and p-put th-them all o-over s-school," Toko stutters.

"Lovey-duvy shit as in....her kissing him or something more?" Byakuya questions.

"I-I d-don't know, wh-whatever I-is m-most e-embarrassing." Fukawa looks down.
Togami was impressed by Toko's plan.
He felt.... intrigued by her statement? What the fuck is wrong with him? Thinking about Toko?
Music class, the first class on a Tuesday. Nobody pays attention, just goofing off.

Makoto and Byakuya sit next to each other.
Their old man music teacher is explaining a note on the clarinet.
"Hey if your sister starts saying weird shit about you, don't be alarmed," togami whispers to him.

"Uhm, okay," Makoto responds confused.
The teacher stops talking and stares intensely at Byakuya.
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" He asks.

"No, that's why I whispered it," the heir responds. The class starts laughing.
The teacher is pissed, once he points to the door the bell rings. Thank god. As the tall boy walks into the hall, she appears. Toko.

"M-master-" togami cuts her off.

"What do you want?" He asks with irritation, walking faster.

"I- I was g-going to s-say, L-Leon w-was g-going t-to r-read th-the st-story a-at lunch. I-in fr-front o-of ev-everyone." Toko speeds up to catch up with him.

"I didn't need to know that but I suppose I shall listen to it during our lunch period." Togami says, walking into his next class.
The lunch room is loud. Kuwata stands on a table.

"Yo! I have something to share with y'all!" He shouts.
It goes silent.
"My good pal, Makoto found this in his sister's room and wanted me to read it," he begins.

"Me and my brother are best friends. Once I developed my strange crush on him, we became even better friends. I dream about him every night, every time hoping those dreams would come true. One day I will tell him I love him, that one day will be soon."
Everyone starts laughing.

Makoto's face is bright red from embarrassment.
Komaru walks over to Toko's table, her fists balled up by her sides.

"Do you have anything to do about that story!?" She yells.

"N-no I wouldn't do such a thing, unless someone said something about me that made me equally embarrassed," Toko responds.

Byakuya notices how Toko doesn't stutter when she talks to other people or in class, she only does when she talks to him.

"Yea right!" Komaru throws a swing at Toko.
Byakuya is somewhat....pissed at Komaru for hitting Toko.
Fukawa holds her face and then kicks Komaru in the stomach.

"Bitch," Toko says flatly.

"Whore!" Komaru responds, still on the floor.

"At least I'm not the person who wants to bang their brother." Toko rolls her eyes.
She walks to Celestia's table.

"I hate Komaru!" Fukawa complains to Kiri.

"Aren't you guys friends?" Hina asks.

"Didn't you hear? They got into a big fight!" Sayaka responds.

"So we're your backup friends?" Kiri questions.
Fukawa nods.
As Toko walks out the school door, she stares at the floor as her sister walks towards her.
"Himika!" Toko yells happily.
Her sister responds with a hug.
"I-I didn't know you were picking me up today," Toko mumbles.
"Mom didn't tell you? Anyway, I'm taking you to my place to hang out," Her sister states, fidgeting with her keys.

Himika is a tall girl with red-streaked purple hair. Like Toko she has glasses, the only thing is her clothes are something Toko would never be seen in. Never.

As the two girls walk out of the school, Togami stops Fukawa by calling her name with a formality.

She immediately turns around, surprised at what he had called her.

"Y-yes?" She responds.
"Aren't you going to work with me on our project?" He asks.

"M-my s-sister i-is t-taking m-me t-to h-her ap-apartment," Toko stutters.
"He your boyfriend?" Himika questions.
Toko's face turns red.

"No, she is just a friend of mine," Byakuya says.
A friend? At this point, Toko's face was bright red.

"S-sis let's go." Toko grasps her sister's arm and they walk away.

Togami felt....embarrassed that Toko didn't want to spend time with him because he actually wanted to hang out with her.

Byakuya swivels in his chair. He rubs his eyes, something has been on his mind.
Something he doesn't want to share with anyone.

1140 words

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