Ch.13 || reversed

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Tw: mention of sh and anorexia

Fukawa sat in her room, wondering why she ruined her life. It truly was her fault. Starving herself, she didn't have to do that but she wanted to. Cutting the smooth skin on her arms and legs, there was no need for that, but she did it anyway. All because she wanted to.

"Syo?" She whispers.
"Hm?" The murderer responds from inside the head.

"Why'd you cut us?" Toko asks.

"I can't remember. It was so long ago, we were.....nine? Ten? Maybe because of dad? I can't remember shit kid."

"7 years? That's.......such a long time. How did it get so bad?" she bites her nails.

"You saw it and got obsessed. It got way worse from there."

"I....well what about not eating?"

"When we were 11," Gen says simply.

"Fukawa! Someone is at the door for you!" Toko's mom yells.

She rushes down the stairs, Byakuya waiting at the door.

"H-hi!" She squeaks.

The heir smiles, his teeth are so pretty. They start up the stairs.

She sits on the bed, togami sits next to her.

"Why'd you come over my love?" Fukawa asks.

"I see you don't want me here then.."

"No that's not what I meant!" Toko gets off her bed.

"I was just kidding dear," he smiles. "What's your mother making for dinner?"
She cracks her knuckles.
"I'm not sure, she doesn't make dinner that often for me because.. well you know."

"Well, she's gonna make you something. If you don't eat I'll take all your scissors."

"You'll just p-piss s-syo off," she mumbles.

"Eat then."
The heir and writer finished up dinner, it was spaghetti, one of fukawa's fear foods. Toko immediately walked into the restroom after finishing, Byakuya following.

"No," Byakuya says flatly. Toko gently pushes him out of the room. He grabs her frail arms and pulls her out of the bathroom.

"I can't let you eat something then throw it up," he sighs.

"Please! This one time let me!"

He looks at her with a stern glare.


Freezing, that's what it was. The school was filled with chilly air. Fuck winter.

Toko and Byakuya had a few minutes left of English class.

"Students! This is just a reminder that tomorrow we have a test! It will be review on what you learned this past month! Any questions?" The teacher writes on the whiteboard.
"Okay! See you all tomorrow! Fukawa, togami. Please stay just for a few moments."

The class makes judgmental noises, as predicted. As soon as everyone flees the classroom, the teacher signals the couple to come forward to her desk.

"Fukawa can you wait by your desk?" The teacher smiles. "So, Togami.....I've noticed and gotten a report from another teacher that you've been acting....strange lately. And I may not get this correct but it might have to do with your relationship with Ludenburg..?"

she starts to have him lean in closer.
"And......I've noticed the cuts on your arm hun, and your PE teacher has too. So tell me what are the marks for?"

Byakuya stands there, mouth open, eyes wide. He's fucking screwed.

"Uhm......" he starts to laugh out of nervousness. "I prefer n-not to speak about it..."

"You'll have to tell me one way or another," the teacher says.

The heir sucks in his breath. Fuck.

"Listen, I know it's your job to look after the students here but, I'm not comfortable talking to my teacher about this kind of......thing...I apologize but please let me move forward from this conversation."

"I see...." She quickly glances at Fukawa. "Well that's your choice, you'll have to tell me or a counselor. If you don't your parents will be involved.." she smiles.

"I'll speak with the counselor then."
The teacher motions Toko towards the desk. Togami walks out of the room.

"Fukawa, I've gotten reports from your gym teacher, other staff, and students. Especially Ludenburg....." She takes a pen and paper out. "....that you have marks all over your body. Self-inflicted marks."

"I don't know what y-you talking a-about...?" She slightly shakes.

"Listen Fukawa, I'm not aware of your life at home, but I've been your teacher for the past 2 years and it seems like there was always something off with you. Tell me, what is wrong?"

"I'm not comfortable sharing that inf-"

"You can't lie, I've been told you've been cutting in the what's wrong? You can talk to another adult about if you want.."

"L-let me talk to the counselor about it....."

"Fine by me."

The tall man and his girlfriend were walking in the halls. Both of them were uncomfortable with the situation brought upon them. both of them cut? Strange, togami doesn't seem like the kind of person to hurt himself. They walk into an empty classroom

"Why? Why did you cut?" Toko yells. "I...I don't get it! Why! Why did you cut yourself?"

"I did it for you.."

"Shut the fuck up! That's a horrible thing to do! Do you realize how maybe you might like the feeling like I did and keep doing it? Do you want to end up like me!" She yells.

"What n-no...I didn't like the feeling-"

"Let me see!" she pulls him by the arm, rolling up his sleeves.
"Baby cutter...fucking pathetic." She says under her breath.

"Look Toko I'm really sorry, I won't do it again okay? I love you so much and I thought id show it that way."

"No! You're not sorry! Yeah sure, you won't do it again, but that's not what bothers me! What bothers me is the fact you look like an idiot! No person would cut to show their love!"

The heir looks at her. She doesn't understand.

"You fool. You're the one who cut for me! I was just doing what you did, you know, showing how much I love you."

"B-but that's different! I h-had a g-good r-reason t-to do t-that and I'm suicidal!" Toko says.

"Suicidal or not, we both did it, and traumatized each other. We're even now." He tries to laugh it off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you togami!!??"

1042 words

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