Ch. 12 || im sorry!

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A/N: Hello luvs! There's only gonna be 14 chapters sadly :(, but........I'm working on a one-shot that has some togafuka! Also, I originally thought the word "scoff" meant to laugh, but that's not what it means lol. So ignore if I used it incorrectly.

tw: big argument over anorexia, mention of SH, OSFED, and abuse.

Both laying on their backs, Byakuya and Toko had hair plastered to their faces and streams of sweat dripping down their backs.

"I suppose we should get dressed, correct?" The heir states.
The writer put her clothes back on.

Byakuya was sitting in his chair on his phone.

"Baby, what y-you s-said a-about b-buying m-me d-dinner....are y-you gonna f-force m-me t-to e-eat it?"

"What? I would never force you to do something. Fukawa if you don't wanna eat then don't." He says. "But I'd prefer you eat something."

Footsteps carry up the stairs. He can't be home, right?

"Does it have to be a large am-"
"Shush!" Togami puts his ear to the door. "Get in the closet."
Fukawa leaps up and goes into the closet. Byakuya sits back in his chair.

The door opens.

"Hello father," Togami says.

"What did you do while I was gone?" The old man asks.

"Nothing really."
"I see...I see." He taps on the doorframe in a rhythmic pattern. Byakuya looks at a book on his desk.

"You're just sitting here, why is that?"

"I was on my phone..."
They sit in silence for about a minute.

The older Togami left the home once again. Byakuya had convinced his father that he was on the phone. The writer was able to stay in the closet without being noticed.

"Baby, can I confide in you?" She asks.

"Yes of course."

She takes a breath.

"I don't want to be alive...." She swallows. "My life is terrible. My father abused me when I was little, I have DID, anorexia, not to mention I hurt myself...the list goes on. I have help but it doesn't seem to work. My ED is destroying my life!"

"Fukawa, I'm going to tell you something. Now, this may not help but, I feel you. I haven't told anyone about this but.....I have OSFED. It's hard to live with an eating disorder, it also destroyed part of my life but I got help. Recovery matters. If you decide you need it, take it at your own pace."

"Y-you h-have a-an e-eating d-disorder...?" She asks.

"Yes, but OSFED isn't as bad. I under-eat but not on purpose, it kinda destroyed my childhood." He puts his hand on hers.

"I-I I'm so sorry-"
"There's no need to be sorry. I've recovered and I eat more now. But that's not the point, I want you to get better." He puts his hand on hers.

"I want to get better but then I'll be fat and-"

"Toko, I'm the only person who sees your body, who cares if you gain a pound or two? It won't make a difference. You need to eat," he says.

"But then I might binge...and I don't want that because I'll be fat again! I'll be ug-"

"Toko! You won't binge. There are healthier ways to lose weight! It doesn't matter if you're skinny!" He yells.

"But people like Celestia and upper-grade people will think badly of me a-and....what's the big deal if I lose ten more pounds?"

"You're actually joking, right? If you lose ten pounds you won't be able to walk, you can't do anything because you're severely underweight! Do you want to be crippled?" He starts the yell even louder.


"Your body is fine, I don't see why you want to lose more weight, it will just make you feel sick all the time."

"H-how will it m-make m-me sick?" She asks.

"When was the last time you actually digested food and didn't vomit it up?" He asks.

"Like a lot of food? If so I haven't in like 2 months, I've eaten like a bowl of cereal and didn't throw up after that but-"

Byakuya sighs. "Sometimes you frustrate me! If you don't eat you will eventually die. I don't get how the fuck aren't you dying from this shit already! I care about you so much and want you to get better if you starve yourself......I will too,"

Toko's mouth flies open. That's the most messed up thing anyone has ever said.

"Fuck you. I hope you realize what you just said is so fucked up! Did you even think about what you were saying? Or how upset that makes me? That fact you'd starve yourself for me? That makes me feel like I screwed up in life!" She screams.

"It's because I care about you-" Byakuya says.

"AHHHHHH! I'm tired of you saying that! What's next? You'll send me to the hospital because you 'care' about me?"

"Y'know what? I don't have enough energy to yell at you, besides if you end up in a hospital don't be crying to me, I'm trying to help you not make your life worse."

She looks at him. She really fucked up.

"I-I'm sorry..!" She yells, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry! I didn't wanna argue! Please don't hate me!"

"Why would I hate you? I should be the one apologizing, Toko I'm extremely sorry." He pats her back.

"I'll e-eat if it makes you h-happy..." Fukawa kisses his neck.

"Do whatever you want. I shouldn't have said anything...I deeply apologize," says togami.

Her tears spill onto his blazer.

"I love you, baby," she smiles wide.

"I love you too honey, I love you too."

He finally said it, and not out of guilt....he really truly said it.

1092 words

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