S. 2. C. 14

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Naoki then teleported to where the Kunai had landed. She kicked the person attacking Naruto. As she trespassed the person, she was confused. When she looked again, she noticed what was happening.

"Reincarnation..." Naoki said looking at Itachi.

"Seems like there has been many things going on after I left." Itachi said looking at Naoki on the side of her brother.

"Move!" Someone else yelled, and Naoki moved.

It was...

"Pain...?" Naoki then realized that after being tricked by Madara, she had not seen him. "That's why..." Naoki solved all her mysteries. After being trapped by Madara, she always wandered where was Pain. After all, he was one of the best pieces that Madara had.

"It's good to see you in the good side now." Nagato said to Naoki.

"..." Naoki just stared at them.

"Naoki. Don't worry, I'll deal with them." Naruto grabbed Naoki's shoulder.

Naoki looked at him, and pouted.

"Nii-san, I am not weak." Naoki said to Naruto.

Naruto unconsciously began to tear up, and a tear roll down his cheek. He heard it before, but hearing it and seeing it in front of him... Naruto knew for sure that Naoki had come back. It was not a truck of his mind or someone controlling him. It was truly Naoki. His twin. His family.

"Nii-san...?" Naoki called worried.

"Welcome back home." Naruto said smiling brightly.

Naoki almost bursted in tears, but hold it in.

"I... am back home..." Naoki managed to answer without crying.

"Don't really want to interrupt, but-" Itachi's voice interrupted the twins moment.

Naoki looked annoyed by this.

"Why are you still letting yourself controlled?" Naoki asked Itachi.

"Wanted it to make it a bit interesting." Itachi answered just to make Naoki more annoyed.

Naoki knew this, and just ignored him.

"Naoki." Naruto called his sister smiling innocently.

"Yes?" She responded within a second.

"When it's all over... you will tell me everything, right?" Naruto asked her.

"If nii-san wants to know, I will tell everything." Naoki answered.

Naruto smiled and nodded. This made Naoki smile too, she turned around to face Nagato and Itachi. She didn't see how her dear brother glared at Itachi for a second, before going back to his normal face.

"Naruto, I am going to be a bit rude..." Itachi warned, and then used his Jutsu.

Naruto's mouth opened doing the opposite of what he wanted, as he struggled a Raven slowly came out of his mouth. Naoki wanted to help her brother, but was being attacked by two of Nagato's summonings. The Raven flew towards Itachi.

Naruto coughed a little, and wanted to make a comment, but decided to go to Naoki.

"Nii-san, I am fine. Go help, Bee-san." Naoki said to her brother.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked her.

Naoki nodded.

"Don't worry, I can also help her." Itachi said behind Naruto. "I am also borrowing her for a small moment. I am sure, you will understand, Naruto."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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