Chapter 136-140

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Chapter 136 Lin Mozhu shows his power

  As soon as Wu Qinghe got the news, he wrote a letter and asked someone to send it back to Lin Mozhu in Fuyuan County, while he quickly called back the guards, left some to wait in Wuping County, and brought the rest back to Liujia Village with Orion .

Seeing the busy Wu Qinghe appearing in front of him, Yang Fan was very surprised: "Why are you here?

" "The Eldest Young Master was worried about my master and asked me to bring you to Wuping County. "

After hearing Wu Qinghe's answer, Yang Fan's heart was burning hot. The child must be very worried about him. Seeing Yang Fan's expression, Wu Qinghe seemed to understand what he was thinking. Before Yang Fan could ask, he told Yang Fan about Lin Mozhu's deeds in detail. What he did after hearing the news of his accident.

Yang Fan was moved and gratified after hearing the news. He was touched by the child's true love for him, and he was gratified that the child could grow up to be independent.

After sighing, Yang Fan and Wu Qinghe talked about their situation. Wu Qinghe came all the way, knowing that this place is indeed very remote, and Yang Fan's legs need to recuperate, so it is not suitable for traveling.

"This village is too remote, it is really inconvenient, anyway, let's go to the town first. After making the

decision, Yang Fan asked Orion: "Brother Liu, are you willing to come with me?" "When this honest and honest man came back, he actually returned the forty-five taels of silver to him. Yang Fan lamented his character, and he also had the idea of ​​letting him be a guard.

Orion's mind is simple, he thinks that Yang Fan is Good man, treat him well. Staying in the village is just to make a living, and following Yang Fan is also to make a living. The same is to make a living. It is the same wherever he goes without relatives or reasons. So he nodded and agreed without thinking

. The next day, Wu Qinghe went to the town to rent a yard first, and then asked Yang Fan to be carried out of Liujia Village with a chair. When I went back, I wrote my own letter to report the safety of the child. Two days after the guards were sent away, Wu Qinghe was also sent away. But he did not return to Fuyuan County, but was sent to Yuncheng by Yang Fan.

I have decided to train Wu Qinghe, and I just took this opportunity to let him practice and practice. It is quite close to both Yuncheng and Luocheng. Now that there are many refugees in Yuncheng, the business there must be bad, so he just let him go there to deal with it. Wu Qinghe didn't object, he packed his luggage and left with the three guards given by Yang Fan without saying a word.

This time Wu Qinghe brought someone to look for him, and Yang Fan got to know him a little bit during the process, and was quite satisfied with Wu Qinghe's performance. Be prudent in situations, act flexibly and have your own calculations, and maybe you will be able to become a teacher in a short time.

Wu Qinghe helped him with his business affairs, and the child also got news of his safety. Now Yang Fan can finally recover from his injuries with peace of mind.


Because it was inconvenient to deliver the news, when Lin Mozhu got the news of Yang Fan's safety, it was already 20 days after he learned of Yang Fan's accident. In twenty days, not only did he lose weight several times, but he was also pale and haggard, as if he would collapse when the wind blows. If it weren't for Yang Fan's belief that he would be fine, and the tonic that Liu Yizheng specially prepared for him, he would have collapsed long ago.

Knowing that Yang Fan was fine, Lin Mozhu's world seemed to be colored all of a sudden, not only did he regain his appetite, but he was also full of energy. Seeing him recover, the gloomy atmosphere that had been suppressed for more than half a month in the villa was also swept away. Although he didn't understand anything, Xiao Mofei, who had been worrying with him for more than half a month, finally returned to his previous carefree appearance.

Yang Fanping was safe, and Lin Mozhu could finally concentrate on dealing with those people who made small moves.

After the change of mood, Lin Mozhu is now confident and not in a hurry. He didn't plan to deal with these people immediately, but continued to wait patiently, waiting for those people to fall into the trap slowly, and then he pulled the net again.

Since the news of Yang Fan's accident leaked out, Lin Mozhu sorted out the people who worked in the villa inside and out, and sold what should be sold for what should be sold. After dealing with some people with problems, this time Lin Mozhu got the news of Yang Fan only from Liu Yizheng and other close people, so the news that Yang Fan is safe and sound will not be spread for the time being.

Those who thought that Yang Fan's life and death were uncertain, saw that Lin Mozhu didn't respond at all after making small movements, so they became more and more courageous. After eating it once, my appetite became bigger, I became greedy, my mind was deluded, and many bottom lines were lost.

In addition to those who work at the bottom, there are also friends and competitors who have cooperated in the past. In the past two years, the competitors whose business has been suppressed by Yang Fan have become more and more bleak are very happy to beat the dog in the water, or to poach the wall or make a stumbling block. And those business partners who called Yang Fan brothers and usually flattered them took the opportunity to take advantage of it. There were many people who deliberately cut off the supply in order to ask for a higher price or deceived Lin Mozhu by shoddy.

Seeing the situation getting worse and worse outside, Pei Ningyuan couldn't help but find Lin Mozhu and asked him if he wanted to help.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Pei Ningyuan had some understanding of Lin Mozhu's abilities, but he was also a little worried that Lin Mozhu was too young and inexperienced to handle the current situation. Hearing Lin Mozhu calmly say that he would handle it by himself, although he was still a little worried,

Pei Ningyuan didn't say anything in the end.

But what he didn't expect was that the "handling" that Lin Mozhu said would be so swift and resolute.

Almost overnight, several suppliers that Yang Fan originally cooperated with were changed. Then Lin Mozhu took the handprint Yang Fan gave him to go from county to county, and every time he arrived in a county, he asked the guards to tie up the shopkeeper who made small moves, fired those who were dismissed, and handed over to the government. After the processing slipped away, those vacant shopkeepers and management positions were quickly filled and taken over within a day or two.

Seeing such a result, those shopkeepers and stewards who kept themselves safe during this incident broke out in a cold sweat. They didn't expect that Lin Mozhu would do this, he didn't even give the shopkeepers and stewards who committed the crime a chance to speak, and coldly read out what they did one by one. Run on peers, install cronies, if the circumstances are not serious, they will be dismissed directly, and those who alter the ledger and embezzle money will be directly sent to officials.

What surprised them even more was how could Lin Mozhu hire so many shopkeepers and managers in such a short period of time? Does that mean that my position may be replaced at any time?

While they were trembling and extremely restless, Lin Mozhu summoned them to give a lecture in Jinxiu Villa. The content of the lecture was actually what Yang Fan said before, and the general meaning is that as long as he works under him, as long as he is dedicated to his duties, he will not treat him badly, and those who are capable and capable will be reused. But those who think they are playing tricks or even harm the interests of the shop, he will never forgive them lightly.

When Yang Fan said these words in the past, they felt that kindness and power were equal. But now, for some reason, when the young man in front of him said it, they felt a burst of fear.

After the training, Lin Mozhu then told them coldly: "The rumors from the outside world cannot be trusted. Brother Yang is fine, but he can't leave in Los Angeles now. You can do things with peace of mind. You are absolutely indispensable. As for what you shouldn't Everyone also put away their thoughts 0"

After a lecture, the shopkeepers and managers returned to their respective posts, on the one hand, they lamented that Lin Mozhu had such courage at such a young age, and on the other hand, he was more cautious in doing things, for fear of making mistakes The incident aroused the dissatisfaction of the small boss.

After being beaten by Lin Mozhu, these shopkeepers and stewards all became more peaceful. After learning about it, Pei Ningyuan couldn't help sighing with Ji Xiyan: "I always thought that Brother Yang Fan raised a little rabbit, but I didn't expect it to be a little wolf."

Ji Xiyan glanced at him coldly: "You can talk nonsense here when you have time." , why don't you arrange for your 'confidante' to go? "

" Kiss Xiaoyan, you have to trust your husband, she and I are absolutely innocent!" "Pei Ningyuan's behavior changed in an instant, pitifully crying out for injustice.

After hearing what he said, Ji Xiyan ignored him, got up and said coldly: "You can go to sleep in the study tonight. "No~~~~ Kiss Xiaoyanyan, you can't be so cruel!" "

Oh, theirs is a tigress.

And Yang Fan, who was far away in Wuping County, couldn't help being proud after learning what had happened, his children are so good! At the same time, Yang Fan is still a little proud, because Lin Mozhu was taught by him.

So in the letter written to the child that day, Yang Fan not only told his thoughts, but also praised the child.

Yang Fan, who was bored and recovering from his injuries in Wuping County, seemed to be the only way to pass the time by writing letters to Lin Mozhu. Sometimes Lin Mozhu received a thick stack of letters, each piece of paper was densely written. While surprised, Lin Mozhu also felt very sweet. Because of these letters, the days of waiting became less difficult.

The days are spent day by day while Yang Fan is recuperating from his injuries. After the second harvest of the year, the villa has also entered the cold winter. This winter, for many people, is a difficult winter - no food.

In many areas of Chihu County, where the situation is the best, due to the lack of rain in the second half of the year, the grain production in the fields is almost complete. Because the harvest is too low, the relative proportion of taxation will be larger, and the grain left in the hands of farmers will be less. It's only now in October, and there is still half a year until the next harvest in May and June next year. It is difficult to support the family's food until that time, not to mention, who knows what will happen next year?

They all say that they don't panic when they have food in their hands, but how can they not panic when they have no food?

Just when the common people were worrying about this winter, countless refugees poured into Chihu County from other counties, and Yuncheng, which was closer to the northwest region, was quickly overwhelmed by refugees. Yang Fan, who got the news, immediately closed all shops in Yuncheng, and Wu Qinghe also evacuated from Yuncheng.

[End of this chapter]

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