A God's Message (SMUT)

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"Adam Cole!" I yelled, I welcoming back our former elite member.

"Bay bay!" He yelled back, arms opened wide and giving me a hug. 

"It's been too long!" I smiled, accepting his hug, swaying back and forth. 

"Too long," He smiled back, kissing my cheek, "The Elite is now complete!"

"Bout damn time," Nick snickered, looking to see our chauffeur pulling around, "And now it's time to party!!!!!"

We all began to woo, getting rowdy and acting a fool like always. Any time with Adam was a fun time and having one of my old friends backs, I was happy. We were all happy, but while we had our fun throughout the night, I noticed how Kenny was being different. 

He was smiling and playing around with the guys, but I could see how fake it was. As his girlfriend, it was easy to point out when he wasn't being himself. 

Throughout the night, I tried to cheer him up, make him laugh, get a little handsy, and none of it worked. He was actually pushing me away at times, creating great concern. 

Once we were alone, I didn't hesitate to ask why he was being this way. 

"Tell me what's wrong, Kenny," I huffed, ready for him to tell me nothings wrong. 

"What's wrong?" He repeated, folding his suit jacket, folding and placing it on the arm chair in the corner, "Nothing's-"

"I'm not dumb, Kenny!" I sighed, demanding, "Tell me what's wrong because something is clearly bothering you."

"It isn't obvious?" He scoffed, leaving it at that. 

I recollected as much as I could, thinking of everything that happened during the night and it finally hit me. Adam kissed my cheek and that made Kenny upset. 

"Really, Kenny?" I whined, "Adam kissing my cheek?"

Kenny just stood there, hands on his hip and I argued:

"I haven't seen Adam in like forever! The guys kiss your cheek and I don't get upset over it."

"That's different! They're my boys!" Kenny protested, but I instantly shot back:

"They're my boys too!" 

"Yeah, you might see it that way, but I know for a fact, that Adam liked you before! The hug, I can tolerate. Kisses of any kind? Nope, I won't have it!" Kenny explained. 

Any time he got jealous, it was because he cared and loved me, so I tried making a sweet move, cooing, "Kenny."

Even with a smug look on his face, he accepted my hug, looking into my eyes when I smiled, "Now you know, there is no one other man that I love. Only you, baby."

"I know," Kenny smiled, that smile turning mischievous, taking me by surprise, throwing me over to the bed, bending me over it, "But I'm still not letting you go unpunished."

"Unpunished?" I laughed, instantly being shut up when my head was yanked back by my hair, Kenny growling into my ear:

"The guys are sharing a room right next door. I'm making sure that Adam knows to not even dare to try that shit again."

"Kenny-" I cooed, interrupted by a moan, a slap across my ass echoing in the room, "Sweet lo-" I tried, but another smack echoed. 

"Time to get ride of this dress," Kenny whistled, about ripping it off of me, my hips wiggling to help him out, panties following alone. 

Almost in an instant, his clothes were all gone too. I was already moaning at the feeling of the tip of his cock running through my slick and folds, his voice falling deep and sexy, creating more moisture between my thighs when he whispered in my ear, "There's only one man who can love you. Who is it, Y/N?"

With a yank of my hair, his cock stretched me far, packing in all of it with one rough thrust, a sharp moan deep in my chest, whining, "You, Kenny!"

"That's right!" He laughed, delivering some rough shots, until he got an idea in mind. 

His hand still tangled in my hair, I was brought up and lead to the wall, Kenny knowing my body so well, cock shooting right into me the moment I was pushed into the wall, whining out loudly, "Kenny!"

The pleasure was so good, Kenny taking his time but I reacted quicker, rocking my hips back into him. He took the time to enjoy it, but came back to my punishment with a stern slap on my ass again. 

"What did I say earlier?" He recalled, smiling at my response:

"Am I not allowed to have some fun? You know I love being a naughty girl, get down and dirty."

"Get down and dirty, huh?" He murmured, biting his lip and hitting me with a thrust, body sticking to the wall, the impact traveling through it. 

I didn't bother to respond, just taking in the pleasure, moaning like hell when he kept it up, creating a steady rhythm. 

"You love being a naughty girl? Be my dirty little slut?" He grinned, moans no longer muffled by the wall when my hair was pulled. 

"Love being a dirty little slut for you too, baby," I cooed, sloppily kissing him, moaning all over his lips. 

"I know, baby," Kenny kissed, then pushed my head into the wall, "Now, be a good girl and scream my name."

He didn't even had to tell me. How fast each thrust was, buried so deep inside of me, feeling hollow any time he pulled back, it was so good. 

Adam making him jealous turned out to be a fun thing for the both of us and the guys, they definitely heard us. Did we care? Not at all.

"Kenny!" I cried frantically, hands against the wall, slapping it at times because of my body losing control. 

"You ready to cum?" He asked eagerly, working harder as he knew the answer, "Gonna be a good girl and cum all over me?" 

"Uh huh," I whined, letting out a few screams, body shaking, my lower core tightening. 

Kenny knew my body so well, holding me by the side like I was used to, interlocking his hand with mine on the wall, maintaining his pace and pushing me closer. 

"Kenny!" I gasped, breathing becoming more difficult when his chest pressed against my back, keeping me pinned to the wall, a few kisses along my neck making my nerves burn more, "I'm cuming, Kenny! Baby,, hold me!"

I really needed his support, my body about giving way, but he did as I asked, feeling a deep groan rumble in his chest, his hips still going, purring;

"Good girl. Over here making a mess."

"You're like a god, Kenny," I whispered, "Oh my god."

"You've always knew how to bring out the best of me," He smiled, easing up on the roughness, turning back into the teddy bear he was, kissing me softly. 

"Hey Kenny! The sex god gimmick has already been taken!" Matt yelled from the other room, both of us laughing. 

"We've been together a long time! Long before that gimmick! They copied me!" Kenny protested, his attention coming back me when I said:

"I'm guessing they heard us like you wanted."

"Oh they heard," He giggled, "And I'm sure they got the message."

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