Behind Tinted Windows PT. 2

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"Hey, Y/N!" Brandon sighed, looking stressed.

"What's up, man?" I smiled, ready to take on any task because I knew that's what he was going to ask. 

"I really hate to take your time away but Nick and Matt need me. I also have to film a Dark Order bit. I can't do both. If I give you my camera, can you film the bit for me?" Brandon asked kindly, almost begging, "Please?"

Brandon did have a lot on his plate lately, sadly a big majority of that was due to my brothers. I wasn't busy at all so I smiled at him while taking the camera. 

"You got it! Are they in their lounge?" I asked, confirming what I assumed. 

"Yeah! Thank you so much, Y/N! I really appreciate it!"  Brandon smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"No problem!" I smiled back, walking off to the lounge. 

While making my way to the lounge, I was looking through the camera because when I booted it, it said the storage was low. 

In the main menu, you could see previously recorded videos. At first, I didn't care and was ready to go into the settings, but then I saw the image of the last video.

It was Nick, Matt, and Nakazawa. 

My heart about stopped when I saw that. I had to watch that video. Quickly, I checked my surroundings, no one was around so I stepped into another hall, sitting down on the chair by me, beginning to play the video, playing close attention:

"Now, Nakazawa, how long have we known each other?" Nick began. 

You could tell Nakazawa had fear in his eyes, but he was cooperating, nervously responding with, "A long time."

"A long time indeed," Nick acknowledged, "As friends, we need to ask you a question and we need the truth."

"Okay," Nakazawa said slowly, a little confused, but listening whenever Matt asked:

"Last week, when we were in the limo. Nick and I had an interview. The only people left in that limo were Kenny, Y/N, and you. Something happened in there. Am I wrong?"

Nakazawa had to report to Kenny and you could see the fear in his eyes when they began to ask questions. He shook his head no, but Nick and Matt weren't buying it. 

"No?" Nick chuckled, "When we were on our way back to the parking lot, the limo was shaking. Wanna tell us why?"

"Yes, do tell us. Because not only was the limo shaking, whenever we told you to drive off, Kenny was awfully nervous," Matt pointed out, "You're covering for him and We know it."

Nakazawa was really trying to avoid everything, but Nick pulled out some evidence. 

"See this jacket?" Nick said, and I about died, it was the jacket Kenny was wearing that night, "Look whats in it?"

Nakazawa looked into the pocket, realizing he was out of other options, looking inside of the jacket and knowing what was in there.

"You see that! They're fucking panties!" Matt yelled, "And the only woman near Kenny that entire night was our little sister!" 

"They were in there having sex weren't they?" Nick yelled, "Don't even try to lie about it!" 

Finally, Nakazawa didn't even bother to fight it, "Yes, they were."

Matt and Nick were pissed. It was not what they wanted to hear. Nakazawa thought he was safe, but as soon as he let his guard down, Nick and Matt super kicked him right in the face. 

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