Behind Tinted Windows PT. 1 (SMUT)

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"Finally! We can cut a promo in peace!" Karl groaned, Brandon done filming our promo for the night. 

"It's a damn shame. Have to crunch into a limo because Moxley is a psycho," My older brother Nick groaned. 

Honestly, none of this was new to me. As the younger sister of the world famous, Young Bucks, I've seen a lot of crazy things. We were a trio and did a lot of things together and it was always the best time of my life.

"Don't worry about that idiot, Moxley," Don assured, "Tonight will be a damn good night. Like look at us, we all look like a million bucks! Especially you, Y/N! I didn't get to tell you that you look gorgeous."

"Aww you're too kind," I smirked, crossing my legs, and that's when something caught my eye. 

Kenny. We was smiling right at me and damn was it hard not to smile back. My cheeks heating up like the sun whenever I saw him sit up straight, trying to fix his pitched tent. 

I had to turn my head away and when I did, I saw Nick and Matt just staring at me. Nick murmuring:

"I knew we shouldn't have let her wear that dress."

My eyes rolled automatically whenever I heard what Nick said. I have heard that so many times I definitely lost count. 

"Guys, I'm a grown woman. If I wanna wear a dress, I'm gonna strut my ass in it!" I groaned back, turning away and again, fighting my excitement as I saw Kenny trying to his true thoughts, fixing his sunglasses, his tongue darting across his lip, his hand at his inner thigh. 

This is exactly why Kenny and I both agreed that we should wait for the right time to tell Nick and Matt that we were dating. 

For years, Kenny and I were always just drawn to each other and finally, we both fed into our temptations and before we knew it, we were dating, but no one knew. 

"You're our little sister," Matt threw at me, "As your brothers, It's our duty to protect you. Dad told me that himself!"

"Exactly," Nick agreed, his anger showing on his face whenever he said, "That's why we super kick any stupid asshole you tries to pull you."

"You're brothers are just doing what's best for you," Doc Gallows sighed, trying to get the argument to die down. 

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled, crossing my arms, "I'm not even going to argue about it anymore."

"Y/N," Matt sighed, but thankfully our conversation was completely cut of whenever Nakazawa rolled down the window to the driver seat, saying:

"Tony wants the brothers for an interview. Both sets of brothers."

"Well boys, let's go," Don instructed, waiting for them to get out, Matt being the first, saying:

"Y/N, just know that we love you and we'll go get you your favorite after we're done."

"Love you too," I murmured, my arms still crossed .

I was still upset with them, but those feelings dying down a bit once they were gone from the limo. Leaving me and Kenny all alone. 

Finally, Kenny didn't have to fight his thoughts anymore, his hand fighting my thigh, cooing: 

"Baby, don't let them get to you."

"They're just so annoying with their over protectiveness. I'm an adult for fucks sake!" I groaned. 

"I understand how you feel, but right now, let's not worry about that," Kenny sighed, taking off his sunglasses,, his other hand sliding up my thigh, "You do look gorgeous, like always. You don't know how hard it's been to not and try to rip that dress off of you."

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