First Hand (SMUT)

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"Y/N....." I heard faintly, groaning as I was going in and out of my sleep, cuddled up to Kenny's arm as we in bed in our hotel room.

"Just get her usual guys," Kenny sighed, "She didn't get to sleep much while we were traveling."

"Sorry," I yawned, finally open my eyes to see Nick and Matt ready to leave, off to get food from the sound of it, "But yeah, my usual."

"Do you even know what we're talking about, sleepy head?" Nick chuckled, making me laugh to.

"No," I laughed, rubbing my eyes, "But you guys know me very well. I'm sure you know what my usual is when it comes to just about anything."

"Yeah, she's right. Come on, let sleeping beauty get her sleep," Matt teased, heading out the door.

Due to their talking, I was no awake but it didn't bother me. I just laid against Kenny, yawning again as I stretched out my legs, pushing him as I did it.

Kenny just laughed at me, saying, "I hope I was a good pillow. How'd you sleep?"

"I'd say that I slept well," I yawned, taking Kenny's hand as I sat back, laying my head on his shoulder.

We just stayed quiet for the moment, Kenny playing on his phone while I just held his hand, stroking softly with my thumb, staring at it with a smile over my face.  After so much, Kenny looked away from his phone, a smirk on his face as he said:

"I've noticed something. You're always playing with my hands. You're obsessed with them."

"I just really love your hands," I murmured, smiling as Kenny leaned back in bed.

"Any particular reason why?" Kenny smirked, cocking his eyebrow at me.

"I just love how my hand fits into yours. It's so big and warm yet so soft, has such a nice smooth touch, like when you stroke my cheek, or squeeze my thigh," I began to say, zoning out and certain thoughts consuming my mind.

Kenny began to catch on quickly, his eyes growing so sexy, his voice deepening a bit as he let go of my hand, stroking my thigh softly, going between my legs and squeezing my thigh; the feeling resulting in me biting my lip, already getting a rush as he whispered to me:

"Like that, doll?" 

"Mhm," I hummed, smiling as he kissed me softly, definitely getting worked up as his hand squeezed my thigh again, going in deeper, his pinking teasing my clit a little as he whispered in my ear:

"Is there any other place where you love feeling my hands?"

"Maybe," I teased playfully, "You're pretty close to it."

"Oh, am I?" Kenny smirked with excitement, his hand finding the top of shorts, slipping into them and my panties, his finger finding my clit quickly.

"That's it," I cooed, closing my eyes for a moment as finger teased my clit, slicking them as they ran through my folds.

"You love the feeling of my hand down there huh? And when I do this," Kenny whispered, nibbling on my ear a bit as his finger teased and circled my entrance, finally pushing through up to his knuckle.

I nodded my head in response, about melting into the bed as he began to pump his finger a little, kissing at my ear and neck, loving my response as he began to chuckling a little, whispering:

"I'd take my shorts off if I were you."

I chuckled along with him for a moment, listening as he pulled his hand away momentarily, letting me throw off my shorts and panties. Once I was settled and laid back on the bed, his hand went right back in between my legs, rubbing me softly, running through my slick again before his finger slipping in, curling upwards as he went in deep.

A moan couldn't help but fall from my lips, Kenny pumping in and out slowly, speed increasing with each pump of his finger, his thumb teasing at my clit, making my hips begin to tremble already. 

"Oh my god," I whispered under my breath, looking down for a moment as I felt another finger ease in, stretching me further, pumping a bit faster, "That's it."

"These hands a capable of amazing things, doll," Kenny chuckled, mouth nipping at my breasts, nipples hardened under my shirt.

I felt a slight nibble at my nipple, a loud moan and whine jumping from my chest as I trembled under him a bit, back arching a little, legs beginning to shake more as he was pumping his fingers at an ungodly speed able to hear how wet I was.

"Fuck, Kenny," I wheezed, sucking in a deep breath, my hips feeling like they were ready to buckle.

Kenny was thrusting his fingers into so quickly, finding my sweet bump and rubbing over it every time, his thumb still at my clit, rubbing it like crazy. I was sure that I was going to have one crazy orgasm, but this one felt like none of the others, walls clenching around his fingers and pulsating like hell.

I was moaning out his name like crazy due to the even crazier feeling, that giving Kenny much excitement as he sat up straight, working harder and going faster, 

"You gonna cum?" He asked with so much excitement, keeping such a rapid pace.

I tried responding, but my jaw just fell, moans flying free, back arching hard as my hips began to jerk upwards, lifting off the bed. Again, I went to answer him, but I got tangled up in a scream, moaning out salaciously, "Kenny!"

With another hard jerk of my hips, I was just a moaning mess, chest heaving and heart pounding as I was desperate for air, taking handfuls of the sheets as my eyes shut tight, lights flashing behind them. I never came so hard in my life, gushing out all over his fingers, my entire body twitching and trembling, continuing to release onto him, making a mess on the bed beneath me. 

I felt some relaxation as my back fell back to the bed, but then my eyes opened, widening as I felt all the wetness against me, looking to see Kenny surprised, but such an excited, animalistic look in his eyes.

"Did I just squ-" I began, cheeks burning, shocked by the one-of-a-kind orgasm that I never experienced before.

"Oh, my fucking god," Kenny whispered, chuckling as he bit at his lip, fingers running through my folds again, then coming back up to him, sucking a finger clean, the sight and sound making wild thoughts run through my head, making my body tremble a little with the thought of it, "I need to do this to you more often."

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